Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy
As has been discussed, the NAA attempted to permanently hijack the planetary architecture and Diamond Sun templates for their explicit use to enslave human consciousness and earth. They subjugated humanity by superimposing themselves as the architects of earth though alien hybridization, breeding programs and genetic engineering which involve numerous experiments carried out by many non-human species. Currently, a significant amount of Guardian Host rehabilitation projects with the Solar Rishi involves a massive purging of assorted levels of Satanic and Luciferian artificial matrices which include: alien machinery, reversal systems and holographic architecture, which was directly connected to the Lunar matrix and Saturn. These alien architectural systems were given power on the earth through the co-created efforts made between the primary Luciferian bloodlines and planetary controllers. These are practicing Satanists, who use their satanic rituals and blood sacrifices for communicating with these hostile nonhuman forces that make up the Negative Alien Agenda.
Thousands of years ago, the NAA and the Power Elite Luciferian bloodlines discovered that in order to gain access to the planetary staff and spiritual-energetic gateways, stargates, portals, interdimensional links into different timelines, they would need to find ways to capture the Mother aspect of the Godhead, by gaining control over dark matter, and gravitational or magnetic field manipulation. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part by dragging in the moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for achieving magnetic field manipulation and mind control.