Milkshake_Sam #fundie #psycho

I don’t find being sent to hell for not believing in Jesus Christ scary.

Edit: I feel like a lot of people in the comments are missing the point of my post. This is not an edgy triumphant 14 year old atheist ‘YoU dOn’T sCaRe Me!’ post. I’m saying that if Christianity is true and since I don’t believe in it and a lot of Christians (not all) say that people go to hell for not believing then that would be fine because if a completely moral and just God deems me going to hell for not believing to be right then that’s ok and thus I do not fear going to hell for not believing.

A lot of Christians tell non-Christians that they will go to hell if they don’t believe in Jesus Christ and I’m not trying to disrespect Christians. I understand that they believe that they are trying to warn us of eternal torture but for me that isn’t a scary idea.

If I live my life being a good person believing in other religions that I believe to make the most sense and then when the time comes God sends me to hell and it’s justice then that’s fine because God is doing what is just and I tried to live life in what I believed to be good and it turned out that I was wrong.

TLDR; If God sees it as the right thing for me to go to hell and I did what I thought was right then that’s fine by me.

Dude, are you sure?

Yes, if I go to hell for not believing the correct religion and God deems it as just then that’s okay.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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