Jennifer Bilek , @MicaSaurius & @GregArcade #transphobia

( Jennifer Bilek )
Our rights as women have been decimated, we can’t get any free space from men, our awards are being given over to them, kids’ sex are being medically attacked, parents have no legal recourse, crime & medical stats are skewed, men are raping women in their prisons but

as long as people who are “dysphoric” are getting all they need, that’s what counts, am I rite?

( @MicaSaurius )
Particularly female children are being predated upon by the gender borg. Damaging a generation of women.

( @GregArcade )
I assume you sided with a bunch of woke pro-feminist nonsense over the last decade, but now that you are living with the consequences of adopting marxism, you are complaining.

This is the bed you made: sleep in it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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