Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick psychicwarfare.com


As has been shown the Rothschilds are avatars of chaos. The Rothschild PC has the Rothschild archetype installed within it and within that the damned archetype of all the Vampires. Since the only purpose of humans is to be the chaos entity´s torture beasts this sets up a paradox by which the damned archetype i to the i´s the archetype of the chaos entity. By this means the chaos entity´s intent for all it´s torture beasts is carried out on itself by the Rothschild PC. The red shield denoting the north, the position of the black magician now has the blood of the Rothschilds as the sacrificial scapegoat.

As Psychic Warfare is a zero sum game this means that the chaos entity looses vast amounts of itself via the damnation of the Rothschilds. As chaos is self similar this has a global effect on the life and afterlife of the vampire who has downloaded all of his damnation onto the Rothschilds. All the money in the world for the next 500 years has been sucked out by the Rothschild´s ponzi scheme so inevitably the entire fiat currency system of the west collapses and since chaos is running the west this too collapses. The Vampire on the other hand grows richer as the west burns. The advent of migrants to infest the west can be seen as a forerunner of the Rothschild PC technology. Jacob Rothschild boasted at the start of the nineties that the world was his. In 2018 the Russians are his mortal enemy and the Chinese now know he has ordered NATO to go to war with China. We are in a multipolar world where the Rothschilds are the hostages of circumstance or more accurately, Rothschild PC technology.

Every Vampire can simply invisage every possible torture and misfortune in this life and the next which makes a new archetype. As has been shown this is simply a sphere in C-space and can be installed in the Rothschild PC around the Rothschild archetype so it is damned from within and damned from without: double damned. Luckily we have the Great Lord Beast who was choosen by the chaos entity to be a wickerman. In Kabbalah the Good Shepard ritual states the good shepard suffers all the sins of the elect (Zionists) so that they can enjoy all the good things in life. Installing the wickerman damnation into the Rothschilds and hence the chaos entity makes them their own scapegoat. Furthermore installing this archetype around the Rothschilds means the only future for the Rothschilds is to suffer all the possible tortures for the sins of the Vampires. As the Great Lord Beast and the Psi-Lord have infinite…sins to download the only way the Rothschilds can be fit for purpose is to wake up as the Omega Hell Torture Shell which is the default setting of the Torture Madness, Torture Madness…Engine. One can see having the erstwhile rulers of the world reduced to the archetype of the Omega Hell damned gets maximum yield as they have the furthest to drop. This makes the Rothschild PC a very adequte source of all the good things in life and their energy can be used to enter C-space from normal space which requires large amounts of energy. The Rothschild PC can therefore be seen as one of the methods by which chaos is farmed and it´s treasures claimed by the Psi-Lord and his Vampire avatars.



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