Feyenoord fans #racist everydayantisemitism.com

Fans of the Dutch football team Feyenoord have used their rivalry with Ajax as an opportunity to mock victims of the Holocaust.

A Dutch caption placed over an image of two Holocaust-era Jewish children wearing the Nazi yellow star reads “when 020 had one star”. The number is a reference to the postal code of Ajax.

Ajax has, like Tottenham Hotspur in London, a reputation of being a “Jewish” club. In the past, rival fans have been heard chanting antisemitic slogans and songs, including “Hamas Hamas, Jews to the gas”. The Antisemitism got so bad that many Jewish fans stopped attending games.

The image shows Avram (5) and Emanuel Rosenthal (2), who were both murdered by the Nazis a matter of weeks after the photograph was taken.

Another image shared on Twitter shows a warning label on a packet of cigarettes which has been made to read “smoking will kill you, so free packs for any Ajax Jew”.

Ronny Naftaniel, the executive vice chair of CEJI, described his “shock” at seeing the image, saying ““Feyenoord supporters, for once leave Jews alone if you must taunt Ajax”.



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