Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Joe Biden, you said, "there is no place for political violence in America, period.. we the people must say, ‘this is not who we are.’”

The left is the party of violence.

Your party owes a debt to society for many killed & over $2 billion in destruction of American communities.

@repmtg EXPELL THE JEWS!!!

@repmtg hey Joe how about this for political VIOLENCE !!

The left are antiwhites, and the democrat party is the party of antiwhitism and destruction of both America and western civilization.


@repmtg If you haven't done it recently watch the 2020 DNC convention. The whole theme is to 'fan the flames' of civil unrest. They use the mantra of diversity,inclusion and equality but they just want all moderate or conservatives to shut up or die. Joe just said it louder last night.

@OregonianUSA @repmtg they’re the ones that wouldn’t even allow the name of God to be mentioned at one of their DNC conventions until the public cried out so loud that they backpedpedled on it.…and that’s because they worship Satan not God…. They are the children of the father of lies.

So did he call out the blm/antifa niggers?

That rhetoric is only okay when democrats use it against republicans tho! Democrats are commies and need to be treated as such!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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