To koniec & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist
(To koniec)
RageFuel racism is just another form of male cuckoldry toward women and endless destroying male brotherhood
Racism is ALWAYS against men. When in slavlands some gopniks beat ethnic or black guy and would never threat ethnic women, cause they fear competition. In west subhuman slav, xenophobia against eastern europeans is always toward men, which get cucked on dating market and their female counterpants fuck with germanic, latin chads and also 'slavic women are beautiful :soy: and slav men are ugly' are perfect examples of this, cause racial hegemony which profits anglos and germanics allows this
Foid of different ethnicity when lives in foreign country will always meet simps, while their brothers while be bullied by young chads in the school
Tho for counter argument i saw story of polish girl which ropemaxxed when bong foids bullied her
Many right-wing extremists often fetishize non-white women and almost all of the blacks who pathologically hate whites and humiliate them on a constant basis are the biggest simps for white stacies. It's an exception for a successful black man to have a black girl at his site, most of the time it must be a white girl (especially one with blue eyes and blonde/red hair), because they are seen as the ultimate status symbols.
The "Muslims" in my country are the same: They are only religious when they can look down on the german male, while not abiding the laws of their religion and lusting after their also (impure) women. While they attack German males they suck the dicks of white chads and simp for German stacies.