Jim Naugle #fundie #homophobia bgay.com

Fort Lauderdale’s Republican Mayor Jim Naugle wants to spend a quarter million dollar on a robotic toilet that is supposed to make it more difficult of horny gays to have public sex on the beach.

“We’re trying to provide a family environment where people can take their children who need to use the bathroom,” he said, “without having to worry about a couple of men in there engaged in a sex act.”

The proposed location for the toilet is the world-famous gay beach Sebastian Beach, where the high-tech toilet will allow occupants to stay inside for only a short period of time before the door opens. Naugle thinks this will prevent the “homosexual activity” that he said plagues other public restrooms.

Naugle also said, “I don’t use the word ‘gay.’ I use the word ‘homosexual.’ Most of them aren’t gay. They’re unhappy.”

Fort Lauderdale police say sex in restrooms is not a problem in the city. “There’s no evidence, no reports or arrests made for any men having sex in any restrooms,” said Sgt. Frank Sousa.

But still the mayor thinks it is. “Public restrooms are pickup places for “homosexuals. ... They’re engaging in sex, anonymous sex, illegal sex,” he said.



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