The Orlando Massacre may be a tragedy and all that, but I don't see that many people too upset about Christina Grimmie, the young singer also gunned down in Orlando the night before, in front of her fans and brother.
Or is a tragedy only a tragedy when gays or transgenders are the victims and not professing Christian's like her ? In this culture, why am I not surprised ?
Christina Grimmie was only a minor celebrity, and she not noted as specifically being Christian by most who heard of her.
Massacres nearly always drown out a lot of other news, regardless of who's being killed. They even drown out other recent massacres, let alone a minor celebrity killing.
It's just the nature of news, and would have happened anyway regardless of any pro or anti- LGBT+ bias or lack thereof. The only difference would have been how it was reported, not whether it would take over the news cycle.
Dunno where you are coming from, from what I saw there was a pretty serious reaction to her death, quite amplified by her more famous celebrity friends offering condolences, their fans doing the same, etc.. Had that Orlando shooting not happened the next day, I can easily see it having been in the newsfeed for a few weeks at least tbh.
What Quasirodent and HS said.
Sadly; I have no idea who Christina Grimmie was. That said; My condolences to her friends and family.
Finally; One person getting shot and killed is usually a "random murder case" while a mass shooting killing over 50 people is big news.
In a society where a gun death doesn't usually garner publicity, why aren't you spending your time lobbying against the near-ubiquitous ownership of firearms? Probably more than 95% of us don't need a gun because we do not live in areas where we are likely to see large predatory animals in the neighborhood. We know that statistically your own family is less safe if there is a gun in the house. But instead of being indignant about the needless death of yet another person, you are all butt-hurt about her religion (and presumably yours) not getting the publicity you want. So she was only of use to you in promoting Christianity? You've missed the target.
Swede, forgot to log in.
Actually, people are generally more upset about one person being killed, than about many people being killed. The many dead is too hard to grasp, or something.
I'd say it might be the massacre taking up front pages, the news about the singer just drowned when "larger" news arrived. Nothing to do with religion or sexual orientation.
Besides, many of the dead in the Orlando Massacre might have been professing Christians too...
professing Christian's like her
...therefore those like her are in Heaven .
And unless you're as concerned by more people murdered in that shooting in Orlando, the fact you're not as upset for them as you are with a Christian - and fundies go on & on about how they are 'In this world, but not of it' - speaks volumes about you, OP: your bigotry .
Like KDC 4G, LGBT people being killed isn't a tragedy for you.
That's a little like complaining about the lack of attention given to the series of shark attacks in the US in 2001 after a certain other thing happened in September of that year. OK, maybe that's a way more extreme example, but it's the same kind of thing going on. Sometimes something happens that diverts the media and the public's attention from other things.
(it's always stuck in my mind that that was like the big topic of discussion in the news in '01, then after 9/11, it was like it never had happened, understandably I suppose)
Yeah, I can see it now...."Who's Chandra Levy?".
(The disappearance/murder of Levy and her affair with Rep. Gary Condit was 'THE BIG NEWS STORY' all over the place until 9/11 happened)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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