Telestai Nexus #crackpot #quack #racist #conspiracy

So a massive 500 billion dollar A.I. transformation bill has been initiated, swarms of the most vile talking heads for the transhumanist delusion are out and about- and the A.I. driven telemedicine is now presented as the holy grail, to overcome the scorned swamps of old, except for the massive backlash for such anticipated treachery and a mud bath in the same very swamp…. on the second day in office- for our orange hero.
Virtually every viral pandemic has been caused by the countermeasures or other covertly deployed technologies, tested on humans like labrats, worldwide, for decades and centuries, if not millenia. We are starting to figure out that allopathic medicine was a gigantic scam, but the aim was never merely Malthusian Eugenics and profiting off the sick “goyim” - it was always about the modification of our essence towards the sick notion of a fusion with soulless A.I., that sees only patterns of vibration or words, while our human experience is flooded with unutterable wonders, suffocating in this EMF pollution- pest.
Our minds are still bamboozled by the idea of the big bang and its pimps, the big bangers- serving us linear time with linear mindsets of mortifying meaninglessness - a philosophy of darkness and despair, that haunted our hearts through schoolbooks and climate lies alike, always disempowering us- or empowering to join Synthetica - the automated, autotuned realm devoid of free will and everything that makes us human.
Our work should never be just a means to an end and many of us are realising that most of our noble endeavours are already conducted by anti-human leeches and their transhumanist degeneracy. These transhumanists get excited about “heartbeat” like sounds of their supercomputers, like the lost dwarfed machine hearts that they are, “augmented” to shreds already, by the atrocities of Frankenstein-Tech. The result is always inflammation, cell death, necrotic life, suffocating from this enormous mistake.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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