Carol Danvers used to be a pretty woman with a woman’s personality.
Even back in the 1960s when she was first made she was an officer in the Airforce, meaning she was in the military when she was created… in better terms you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. She’s pretty yes but that can be said of… DAMN NEAR EVERY FEMALE HERO! And “woman’s personality” the fuck are you talking about? back then a woman wasn’t thought as being about to be in the military at all and here comes marvel saying “fuck that” and have a heroine whos’ a officer in the military before she got her powers.
Why do these far-right so-called “comic fans” never seem to know that Marvel has been a progressive comic series since it began, hell DC is also progressive albeit in a more… subtle way… well to an extent… I’m not sure about everything Batman has done but it’d be funny to see these guys go apeshit about Bruce Wayne using his money and influence to try and get Gotham politicans to INCREASE taxes on wealthy Gothamites, himself included, if it means providing more funds and support for social programs and the like. Though who knows… these are the same bastards who use the Punisher as a symbol even though the punisher would likely be the one to kill them then support them.
Well, killing them makes them stop violating their oaths to serve and protect, so “kill them TO support them,” maybe?
I mean, she still is… Seriously, I’ve seen people hate the character solely for her “dyke haircut” (aka, her shorter hair than originally). Am I the only one who thinks she actually rocks that haircut?
And just to be clear, I don’t like Danvers just because she’s hot. She’s also a badass and powerful Avenger.
And to be even more clear, I’m not that much of a “superhero comics fan” (although I do like the MCU), and there are other heroes I happen to like more than Danvers. But I still think the hate is ridiculous.
It’s a bit grating that the same people who can insist that personality must have a hard gender divide are also the ones who insist your gender is defined by your body rather than your identity and changing your body to match rather than subjecting yourself to a lifetime of mental torture to fit the expectations of people who will still be constantly looking down their noses at you is sacrilege.
Also if you don’t alter your body to be more in line with the masculine/feminine external ideal that’s also sacrilege.
Basically being yourself and having an individual identity rather than a mandate to bend to the will of an unforgiving collective is a mortal sin… Wait isn’t that what these fuckers keep saying leftism is?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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