<<<Dinos: One of the biggest lies peddled by the atheist liberal left.>>>
Yeah, because only atheist liberals believe dinosaurs existed. What about atheist conservatives? What about religious liberals? What about religious conservatives who are somewhat sane?
<<<It's like, yeah right, we're supposed to believe that gigantic lizards walked around for supposedly millions of years, and magically no one knew they even existed...>>>
Umm, we didn't exist yet, so it would have been a bit tricky to see them. Dinosaur fossils WERE uncovered, though.
<<< ...until the coming of the atheist religion of Evolution in the 1800s.>>>
"Atheist religion" is an oxymoron, evolution is not a religion since it merely describes facts without appealing to magic sky fairies and/or other supernatural beings, and dinosaur fossils were discovered before Darwin's time.
<<<Dinosaurs are just an attempt by radical leftists to try and cast doubt on the existence and omnipotence of God...>>>
So how come most religious people believe them? Could it be that your god (GASP, SHOCK, HORROR) just doesn't exist after all?
Let's just look at it simply. Freedom of religion is a very important right we all have. That means you can believe what you believe without fear of punishment. If someone tries to kill you for being Christian, that's a horrible thing indeed. If merely presenting you with facts makes you uncomfortable, you have much less of a case. See, the world won't change because we want it to, so if reality contradicts your beliefs, your beliefs are wrong and should be changed, EVEN if that means abandoning your most precious beliefs, such as God's existence. If presenting you with facts makes you uncomfortable, deal. If telling you about the world makes you feel as if your religion is threatened, perhaps your religion may not be quite as solid as you might of liked. Now, if you are REALLY attached to your beliefs, you can always ignore reality. You DO have somewhat of a right to remain ignorant, as inadvisable as that is. Of course, if presenting facts to OTHERS makes you uncomfortable, you're out of luck. If someone wants to kill you because of your religion, I'll try and stop him. If reality threatens your religion, you can deny reality and retreat from it. You CANNOT, however, demand that OTHERS retreat from reality to allow you to deny reality more effectively. That's one thing you SHOULD learn.
<<<...and to attack Creationist science.>>>
Another oxymoron. There is no "creation science." Creation science, as the term is used, refers to a bunch of people trying to suppress science to allow for more effective denial of the reality that contradicts something they wish were true.
<<<It's their way of worming an idea into people [that] God is an imperfect God...>>>
Wrong. Look, I know you WISH that God existed, and you wish it so badly that you can't imagine the alternative. That doesn't mean we think the same way. There is no imperfect god. There is NO god, whatsoever. If you have evidence to the contrary, please present it. All evidence will be considered objectively. Special treatment is not offered. ONLY evidence will be accepted; pleas for "faith," ancient books, circular arguments, and bizarre threats will NOT be accepted.
<<<...who tinkered around with another species before giving up on it and creating mankind.>>>
We suggest no such thing. There is no god, perfect or otherwise. An imperfect god is unlikely, given the complete lack of evidence, but you seem to dislike the idea anyway. A perfect god is impossible, unless you wish to describe murder, genocide, disease, poverty, and slow destruction of the planet as "perfect." Just answer this: If you saw a little old lady about to be murdered in a dark alley, and you KNEW you could stop the crime single-handedly, would you do it? If you save the old lady's life, you confess through your actions that the world is not perfect, and thus there is no perfect god.
<<<But there is no evidence in the Bible or otherwise to support such a stance.>>>
Quite true. Your point is what, though? I've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy cover-to-cover, and there is not a single word supporting the idea that bypasses are a good thing. Should all bypasses (and highways) be banned? Trust me, The Hitchhiker's Guide is a MUCH better book than the Bible, so why doesn't it get equal authority?
Even if the Bible is given more sway than my "holy" book (which you still have yet to prove), you're not done. In fact, you'll have a lot of political change to push for. First, go to the school boards. You'll have to get evolution out of public schools, then the "atheistic, liberal" notion that the Earth orbits the sun, then scrap the blatantly unbiblical idea that the Earth is round rather than flat. Since all of science ignores God, you'll have to eliminate all forms of science. Next, you should go to math class and make sure they teach that pi = 3, not an irrational number roughly equal to 3.14, since that goes against the Bible. You'll probably have to throw out most of history, since history classes today don't teach anything about a massive flood or a person coming back from the dead. If schools have a comparative religion course, you'll need to mandate disclaimer stickers on every book except one, and philosophy classes should probably be cancelled or drastically cut, given the number of philosophers who aren't Christian.
Once you've "corrected" the public schools, you'll need to push for legal slavery, since that was expressly condoned in the Bible. You'll need to push for laws banning shrimp, banning clothes made of more than one kind of fabric, banning all work one day per week, and removing any rights that women have. (You do NOT get to ban abortion. Abortion is never mentioned directly in the Bible, and all passages referring to it indirectly condone it.)
Or will you not go the distance, you liberal round-Earther non-slaveowning scum?
I'm guessing you REALLY don't want to live by Biblical rules in a Christian theocracy.