Cynic #sexist

Hebephilia and ephebophilia are biologically normal.

Mating with pubescent females was the norm throughout human history and prehistory. The fact that youth of this age are flooded with sex hormones and tend to be more impulsive isn't a bug, but a feature: If you were able to get across to a late teenager the hard reality of pregnancy, child-rearing, and so on, and gave them a choice, most would probably decline, or at least choose to wait. Evolution doesn't want teens to decline or wait, but instead reproduce as soon as possible, and so has developed a system whereby whereby most early human females were having kids as soon as they reached puberty .

The justifications for a high age of consent, such as them not having the mental capacity to consent, or prevention of harm, are nonsense. There is no magical harm switch in children's or teenagers' brains that somehow for some reason magically makes them emotional wrecks if an adult has anything to do with their sexuality. The idea that sex between adult men and preteen or teen foids causes harm, but that sex between minors is harmless, is just feminist propaganda that demonizes adult male sexuality.

Having a brain that hasn't completely developed does not determine whether or not that brain is sufficiently equipped to provide meaningful sexual consent.

A study found that mentally disabled people with the same capacity for adaptive behavior as 9 year-old children can give informed consent to sex, even by bloated modern standards of consent.


The mentally disabled population is a politically neutral area where scientists can still be objective without getting canned, but the results also logically apply to children.

The components of maturity are subjective and unequally distributed between both individuals and human populations, and biological age isn't necessarily predictive of one's mental maturity.




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