BannedBen #wingnut #racist
Socialism doesn't work because of human nature.
All people are not created equal, and anyone who believes that is indulging in a canard.
Humans are a hierarchical, greedy, insecure, war-loving, sex-crazed, money-envying, blood-thirsty, competitive, class-conscious higher primate species.
Marxism is wishful thinking, and Socialism doesn't have a prayer.
And the Socialist countries in the south were screwed up before whites became supreme.
Show me any country that was invaded by Spain/Portugal and ruled by the Catholic Church that isn't a mess.
That mess has nothing to do with white people - these countries screwed themselves, by themselves.
You want to see white supremacy?
Go to Norway.
The best-run country in the world.
They've controlled their population and kept it at a reasonable five million.
Their character has been shaped by their climate so they are practical, frugal, thrifty, clean and just.
Norway stumbled over oil in 1969.
They could have gone nuts and had a zillion children and squandered that wealth, but they haven't.
They have handled their oil and gas wealth beautifully.
Their grid is 98% renewable - mostly hydro - and they have banked that oil and gas wealth so their sovereign wealth fund is now over one trillion dollars.
A trillion dollars for a country of 5 million people.
That is white supremacy, but a kinder, gentler white supremacy.
Marxism and Socialism are wishful thinking, and doomed by human nature.