Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: Black US Farmers Dismayed as White Farmers’ Lawsuit Halts Relief Payments

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

So, there is some justice. Hooray for that. Whites have been under the boots of black supremacists for too long.

Notice they interviewed a black farmer. They didn't interview any white farmers who were going to be passed over by this illegal fund. To the MSM, we are non-people, unworthy of having our opinions publicized.

I remember my American friends laughed when I suggested that there would be a federal tax imposed on whites. They are not laughing any more.

Here there are many construction companies owned by Blacks, but staffed by Whites for the higher level work, and Latinx for the basic work. There are basically no Black employees in these Black owned companies., but they get the government contracts. Is it the same in farming?

Most are in reality owned by high IQ types like Jews who make a black, or two, co-owners and pay them off to be eligible for various program contracts. Smart but ethically deprived people have already been taking a huge advantage of this nonsense. Or at least that's what I heard, and it seems logical.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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