Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

Derinkuyu in Turkey is a massive underground complex of tunnels and cave like rooms
It has vertical staircases and 180 feet ventilation holes

The ridiculous narrative is that it was constructed by the Hittites of Phyrgians around 3000 BC
And was rediscovered in 1963 by an anonymous local who kept losing his chickens

Chickens is a code word for kids being smuggled by pedophilia rings
And underground tunnels are used for this purpose

Humans could not build elaborate tunnels without light
The light bulb was supposed to be discovered in 1879
And torches or candles would not have sufficient oxygen to keep burning

Humans require sunlight
Our bodies have photoreceptors that respond to sunlight and convert it to energy
Survival without sunlight would be limited to weeks or maybe months

The BBC reported there are actually 18 levels at Derinkuyu
Only 4 levels are open to the public
They also divulged that the tunnel system connects to over 200 subterranean cities all over the world
Everywhere you go cities have an underground tunnel system
Sometimes the upper passages are open as a tourist attraction
But we are not allowed to see or know about what is down in the lower levels

Even the Grand Canyon has an extensive tunnel system in which numerous Egyptian style artifacts have been found
But now these are off limits and are not spoken of
Even though much of the Grand Canyon has Egyptian names

In Colorado the native Hopi say that ant people took them underground for refuge and sustenance during 2 different cataclysms
What species thrives underground and can build elaborate tunnel systems
The answer is ants
The upright ones are mantises and the tall ones are referred to as insectoids
Derinkuyu in Turkey is just a massive ant farm
The future is being built on top of a buried past
And what we are being taught as history is complete nonsense

When people have zero idea of where they are or what they are doing here
They are easily controlled
Because a lost group will inevitably follow!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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