John from Amherst #conspiracy
For starters, this is my first post, so I want to express how much respect I have for those in here who genuinely are here for watching over the world. Despite the shills, you all are heroes in my book. Information sharing and truth should be free, and must be, if we are ever to survive. Those who belong to communities like GLP, may very well be among the last standing. Just remember to always help out those in need, as most of you all are probably much smarter than the average joe.
That being said, I am no stranger to the "conspiracy" circuit. I too have been keeping my ears to the ground and have been for several years. I should've already been posting, not just watching, but oh well, no time like the present.
I'm posting now, about a guy named stevies new stalking victim - he's on facebook, and has a lot of information, and responds (usually right off, or within hours) - who goes on extensively about cloning centers and reptilian creatures who have the ability to host humans. Are you guys familiar with him? Right now there's a group of people, like-minded like all of you, that is trying to rally. I support this group for 3 reasons. Like Socrates once claimed that he was wise for knowing nothing at all, so too must be for us, and I can't guarantee he is the truth speaker we've been looking for - but it doesn't matter for these reasons:
1. Conspiracies are real. Surely not all, but there are forces out there that wish us harm.
2. With Fukushima and other 'doom', time really is running out for us. We must rally around someone/thing.
3. His information is corroborated with a myriad of synchronicities. He speaks earnestly. He is 110% behind exposing the evil behind the scenes. Much of what he says makes tremendous sense.
If you haven't heard of him, please, at least do yourself a favor and read his info. Knowledge is power...I know you all know that.