['In essence, they claim that genetic change can happen from generation to generation, but that such changes are always within the context of a species, and that such chages can never result in speciation.']
That is not actually what creationists believe. Creationists definitely believe in speciation, but not change from one kind of animal to another (e.g. chimp to man).
There is plenty of evidence for speciation, which both creationists and evolutionists believe in. Short-haired dogs in tropical climates and long-haired dogs in cold climates can be different species (they may no longer be able to interbreed for various reasons and are therefore considered different species), but they are still both dogs.
The burden of proof is on the evolutionist for anything further than that.
He says he believes in speciation, just not changes from one "kind" of animal into another -- and, of course, avoids defining what he means by "kind."
Then he goes so far as to claim that dogs with different-length coats constitute different species of dog! Well, no wonder he has no problem believing in speciation; he's redefining the word to mean something else!
Oh, and as for the burden of proof being on the "evolutionist" -- the "evolutionist" has met it, but this guy obviously doesn't dare lay eyes on it. And he clearly doesn't recognize that he needs to lay down some proof of his own from the creationist side if he wants to claim any legitimacy for it.
~David D.G.
All canines, including wolves, coyotes and dogs can and do interbreed.
Dumbass, speciation means that one species EVOLVES into a new species, and, by definition, different species cannot interbreed.
Elephants cannot interbreed with Rhinos, Robins cannot interbreed with Eagles, and so on.
A look at your geanology might prove interesting.
Speciation vs Noahs ark.
Creationists claim creatures were created
as different kinds during the creation week.
None of them evolved from any other.
Creationsists (sometines) claim that Noah did not need
to put a pair of each species on the ark.
He only had to have a pair of each kind on the ark.
For example he would have 1 pair of bear kind and one pair of cat kind.
After the animals were released the bear kind evolved er I mean
changed into grizzlybears, polar bears, sun bears
while the cat kind ev - um changed into
house cats, lions, tigers, bobcats etc.
In the creationist trial in 1980, creationist expert
witnesses could not answer a simple question:
how can two organisms be classified as the same kind,
or a different kind?
The bible says god created kinds that creep upon the
earth and kinds that swim in the sea.
Are sea turtles and land turtles the same kind
or a different kind? The creationists had
no answer.
Is kind equivalent to species or a higher taxon?
The creationists had no answer. But somehow they could assure us
that a kind could never evolve into another kind.
A sea turtle could never evolve into a land turtle,
unless it could, in which case it is not evolution,
but only change within a kind.
When the elite researchers in a field produce nonsense like this,
its to be expected that kenekirk produce concentrated stupidity.
He says he believes in speciation, just not changes from one "kind" of animal into another -- and, of course, avoids defining what he means by "kind."
This is quite a commonplace Creationist cop-out, unfortunately. I've met someone like this. I asked her to define "kind" and she just laughed. (We were at a lunch table with two other Creationists, so I wasn't able to press the issue before she changed the subject.)
Someone should cross-breed humans with chimps and produce offspring, just to shut these folks up.
First it was "evolution can't create a new species". Then when it looked like they might be proved wrong, they changed it to "evolution can't create a new kind ". That way, since "kind" has no concrete definition that they can be held to, they can just change the definition every time science gives them an example.
Yet another fundy missing 'kind' again.
The bible actually forbids interbreeding different kinds of cattle - that's right eugenics. There's no need to forbid something that wouldn't actually work is there? All dogs can breed and they can breed with wolves and dingoes and other species like that as they only branched off in the last 10,000 years or so.
Basically, kinds are more specific that species, not less specific than genera.
I'm sorry. It's just, I don't know, the guy was just SO CLOSE to getting there.
Came so close to unknowingly refuting himself.
He had a vagueish understanding of speciation. He had the pieces and started putting them together. Then, right as the puzzle is almost finished, he sees that if he puts in that last piece, he'll have helped evolution. Then he took his Bible and swept the whole puzzle onto the floor, and asked us to clean it up for him.
I need a drink so bad right now.
Sigh, here we go again; "refuting" evolution using the Undefined Kind argument. Keneikirk, here's your homework:
1. Define the word "kind" in reference to biology.
2. Explain the mechanism that prevents evolution from moving beyond this line.
chimp to man
For the love of Persephone! Haven't all fundies already understood the evolution has never claimed that men came from chimps?
The burden of proof is on the evolutionist for anything further than that.
Of course, in case biologists are unable to present definite proof for evolution the only alternative is to accept an Omnipotent, Omniscient Man In The Sky that loves rape, war, burnt offerings and now and then kills almost every single living thing in the world, riiight.
Look at any farm - each and every animal on a farm is the result of generations of cross-breeding within similar species.
Pedigree dogs are the result of selective cross-breeding, as are horses and cats.
Your problem is that there is evidence and proof for evolution in abundance, and all creationists has is a collection of misinterpreted babylonian fairy tales as told by semi-literate bronze age goat sodomisers.
Drilling through thick skulls in progress.
And yes, all dogs can breed, or they wouldn't be dogs.
"There is plenty of evidence for speciation, which both creationists and evolutionists believe in. Short-haired dogs in tropical climates and long-haired dogs in cold climates can be different species (they may no longer be able to interbreed for various reasons and are therefore considered different species), but they are still both dogs.
The burden of proof is on the evolutionist for anything further than that."
The Labradoodle:
A breed - and therefore species - of dog that not only originated in the extremely hot country of Australia, it didn't even exist until 1988 . As in CE .
...oh, and what about the Chinese Crested Dog:
Long hair on it's head & tail, but otherwise, completely naked.
Not only is your argument - but is Creationism as a whole (not taking into account Kitzmiller vs. Dover) - blasted out of the space-time continuum.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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