Medeea Greere #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut
For most of Humanity this Under Earth Network defies the imagination. These facilities have incredible stores of food, water, DNA, seed banks; all fully supplied with autonomous free energy supplies!
This vast Network was created under Project Mk Rand also known as Alternative 2. In the book entitled Alternative 3, author Leslie Watkins stated scientists concerned with the state of the Earth’s atmosphere had secret meetings that produced three alternatives for handling the imminent danger.
Alternative 1:
Blast holes through the stratosphere to release heat & pollution. This was done by simultaneous detonations of atomic weapons in the Earth’s high atmosphere of the ozone belt in areas where few would notice: Over Siberia, the deep Amazon, the Australian Outback & over both Poles. This is the cause of the ozone holes (not human ground vehicular and other human causes, as reported by the Fake News Network).
Alternative 2:
Relocate the best of Earth’s population (compliant slaves and their Illuminati Satanic bloodline masters, in massive underground caverns & DUMBs). Alternative 2 is the DUMB/tunnel network covered in this decode.
Alternative 3:
Build bases & major cities of slave laborers supporting the Illuminati Satanic top families.
The name Rand comes from the Rand Corporation which has the patents on the nuclear-powered laser boring machines that bore at over 60 mph.
There are at least 1,400 DUMBS worldwide, 188 known DUMBS in the U.S., with 2 underground bases being built per year in the U.S.
The average depth of bases are 4.25 miles underground. Each DUMB base-costs between 17 & 26 billion $ to build, which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money & human trafficking money.
Nuclear-powered drills & neutron bombs are the primary methods used to create & dig these DUMBS underground. The drills go through rock at speeds up to 60 mph, literally melting the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels.