Pat Robertson #fundie
Robertson: That guy was a homo - as sure as you're alive.
Off camera: Yeah, you didn't look rattled. [...]
Off camera: This last one is.
Robertson: That last one, yeah, but I didn't get it.
Off camera: I called them up and said who the hell is screening these calls? I had one person call him a bigot. I've had another person call him a zealot. Let's get some balance out there.
Robertson: It's too late. The last one was OK, but the first three were all homosexuals.
Off camera: I know I know.
Robertson: I've had this before.
Off camera: You can answer the question any way you choose to.
Robertson: I hear you.
Off camera: Alright. Remember. Take it where you want it to go, take it where you want it to go. I don't like the producer of this segment.
Robertson: Well, they were trying to set me up.