(Response to a commenter criticising Pat Robertson's Haiti remarks)
yeah, except that our revolutionary war heroes didn't make a pact with the devil, they believed in God. Lets also not forget the tsunami that hit in 2004---when people were out celebrating along the shore while all the christians were in church at higher elevations. Coincidence?? I think it's great that pat has the guts to speak out against all these new age IDIOTS who think THEY really have the truth and christians don't!!
You're claiming that the human decision to put a church on high ground, not only due to the fact that sea levels are variable, and that high ground is a sort of status (behold, the church watches over us or something like that) means that god wanted to save his followers but drown the nonbelievers?
Also, it makes no sense that your god would wait 200+ years to get revenge. Haiti is on a fault line.
IMO, these kinds of comments reflect religious fuckers' denial that they are actually Atheist too and don't really believe in any of that shit.
Besides, all of that flies in the face of the core belief of Christianity; Jesus died for everyone's sins so it makes no sense that he would punish millions of people for the "sins" of their ancestors. Your god is a toddler.
Thomas Paine would like a word with you. ...
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistant that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
@ JohnTheAtheist
Nah, Vegas wouldn't do it for me. Let him hit Denver with a tsunami, then I'll become a Rapturd.
yeah, except that our revolutionary war heroes didn't make a pact with the devil, they believed in God.
They were devout Southern Baptists when they founded this country, but Enlightenment deists when they beat their slaves. Am I right?
Lets also not forget the tsunami that hit in 2004---when people were out celebrating along the shore while all the christians were in church at higher elevations.
Let's also not forget the gay guesthouse that was spared.
Fact: New Agers tend to live in developed nations because they're less likely to be killed there.
Besides, church services occur throughout the day on Sundays. So it's possible that some of the people on the beaches had already gone to church or were there before they were about to go the church. So, what, your god wants you to spend all day in church?
I'm holding a fundraiser on February 11th for Care International's Haiti appeal. We're getting the venue for free (bless the owner's wee cotton socks), a DJ's playing for us for free, the guys making our posters are doing it for free...
And what's a good Christian like yourself doing? Ah, the same thing you did when the tsunami hit.
Saying "well they deserved it".
Truly, Christians are better people than atheists...
And yet, showing his typical poor aim, God kills a bunch of Christians with his usual nondiscriminating disasters. In particular, there's the son of a bishop from where I live that was doing missionary work down there. He's dead now.
Is this what America is like?
Only the Funtard parts.
Remember, this is FSTD. You aren’t going to be seeing much from sane people.
Still defending the false prophet? Is there such a thing as aiding and abetting in your religion? At the very least you Robertson supporters are repeating his crap and therefore bearing false witness
Your religion makes you not only bad people, bad (traitorous) citizens but you're actuall bad at being Christians as well
Oh yeah, about the churches on high ground, didn't help during Katrina
French quarter came out intact
yeah, except that our revolutionary war heroes didn't make a pact with the devil, they believed in God.
Of course. Because when said American "revolutionaries" cut a deal with the "Sun King" a/k/a Louis XIV, the then King Of France, who provided them with gold to hire Hessian Mercenaries to fight the British, & whose navy blockaded the East Coast of the "United States" to support them... it's because they believed in God, but when black Haitians gain their freedom, it's because they "made a pact with the devil."
Re: EonBlueTriad's post
No, said American "revolutionaries" cut a deal with the "Sun King" a/k/a Louis XIV, the then King Of France, who provided them with gold to hire Hessian Mercenaries to fight the British, & whose navy blockaded the East Coast of the "United States" to support them...
Given that over 95% of Haitians are Christian, I can only assume said beach party was a pretty pedestrian affair.
Oh wait, that's absolute cock.
First of all, many CHRISTIANS did die during the Tsunami. So,well, not coincidence, but the fact that it was built IN AN ELEVATED MOUND. And by the way, Which pact with the Devil did Catholic slaves do in Haiti?, are you serious?. And by the way, since when Paine, Washington and Jefferson were Christians?. Please.
Yeah, except that, for some unknown reason, the local Archbishop was killed. I think that, whatever God had in mind, was not to "punish" them.
Except for the Vailankanni basilica, only the most famous church in India, which lost a good 3000 of its devotees - far more than are there at any other time, since it was the day after Christmas.
But of course Catholics aren't True Christians(TM), right?
You fail. Fuck off and die.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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