Martin Kerr #wingnut #racist

[From “The Presidential Race: Taking the Long View”]

THE ROMAN EMPIRE lasted just over 500 years[…]
In between Caesar Augustus & Romulus Augustulus there were 70 or 80 other emperors[…]About 10 or 12 emperors are called "good" emperors[…]The others are termed mediocre or bad, and Rome either stagnated or weakened during their rule

Now, suppose that instead of 12 good emperors there had been 13. Would the fate of the Roman Empire in the West have been any different? No, because the momentum of demographic, political and social decline were so powerful that it could not have been reversed by any one emperor, no matter how powerful or gifted he may have been

The United States is currently 248 years old. It has had 45 presidents. The same fundamental forces which caused the decline & fall of the Roman empire - racial decay, social degeneracy and political corruption – have now fatally infected the US. Consequently, in the long run, it does not matter which politician becomes the next president. No matter who it is, they will not be able to halt or reverse the decline which we are now experiencing

The Roman Empire was preceded by the Roman Republic. Augustus[…]realized that Rome was already in an advanced state of decline when he took the throne[…]
Other Roman emperors also fought to counter the decline of the Empire, including the “five good emperors”[…]
The tragic truth was that the momentum of decline was such that even emperors with clarity of thought and unlimited power could not reverse it

Does any of this sound familiar? Where the Emperor Augustus found himself is where we find ourselves today. Certainly, our sense of honor as Aryans compels us to fight the good fight to restore the United States to racial, political and social health[…]
So will it be Trump or Harris? Seen from the vista of great historical perspective, IT DOES NOT MATTER[…]
Dig in for a long term struggle, decades at least - the worst is yet to come!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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