Various Racists #racist
RE: FBI: Blacks Made up 55.9% of Known Murder Offenders in 2019
It's transparent that forced integrations results in white children being raped and murdered by blacks. Liberals know this. They want it to happen even more. It's very deliberate.
Imagine how much higher the murdering of whites by blacks would be if there was large scale integration, 50 years or so ago.
true, and it will keep getting President Kamala
How many of those murders committed by "Whites" are really done by Latinos? Considering how the feds love to twist facts, this is certainly a valid question.
The "white" criminals are mostly hispanic and Middle Eastern.
Well, obviously, if White America had ponied up a few trillion $$$ for reparations back during LBJ's "Great Society", then today's blacks would not have to resort to all this violence to enhance their status in "da hood". They would be rocket engineers and such. Heck, with their mathematical genius, we probably would have colonies on Mars by now.
White supremacy = excellence/create.
Black supremacy = murder/loot/burn.
We have to accept the fact that if we expose whites to ‘Game of Thrones’ type nonstop violence, it will increase the rate at which they murder by 4x. If we expose blacks to the same type of programming ‘entertainment’ it will increase the rate at which they murder by 8x. Constant exposure to this type of ‘entertainment’ only doubles the rate at which Asians murder.
(Asmodeous Rex)
In light of these sobering and alarming statistics, can we conclude that young black males are almost useless. No one wants slaves these days so they could not even be re-enslaved. Perhaps if there were a great war, they could be used as fodder on the battlefield.
(Fed Up)
Blacks in the USA have a median IQ of 85. Hispanics are a notch above that, at 89. Yet you write about them as if they are gold.
Great idea. Mexicans would also make good battlefield fodder - as you put it.