Kaelman #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

"The Reptilian Chronicles: The Secret History of the Devil Revealed by Extraterrestrial Beings" is a non-fiction work that offers a fascinating and provocative exploration of the hidden history of the 'Devil,' exposed here as a reptilian being from another world. Based on 50 years of information obtained through a contact group with extraterrestrial beings during expeditions to various places on the planet, this book challenges traditional beliefs and invites us to reconsider the historical and spiritual narrative of humanity.

The author takes us on a journey through multiple intriguing topics, from methods of communication with extraterrestrials and documented evidence of contact, to a detailed description of the organization and way of life in other worlds. However, the primary goal of "The Reptilian Chronicles" is to reveal the true identity of beings such as God, Jesus Christ, and especially the origin and history of their antithesis, the Devil, as well as offering unique information on how reptilian and other extraterrestrial races have interfered since ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis up to the present day.

The work also addresses the creation and genetic manipulation of humanity by advanced extraterrestrial races, the cosmic wars that have altered the course of our destiny, and the abilities and powers that humans once managed to awaken. "The Reptilian Chronicles" is a book that invites the reader to expand their perception of the universe and understand that our history and spirituality are deeply interconnected with beings from other planets.

It is an essential read for those interested in ufology, spirituality, occultism, conspiracy, Christian faith, and Satanism.

After opening this treasure chest of knowledge, you will never be the same.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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