Men still maintin their privileges, even when they pretend to be women image
( Calidris )
The biggest slap in my face was that they left the draft the same. So you're saying they're "woman" enough to be actual women's and girl's problems, they have all the freedom to rape and harass us in the spaces we created for us? But males getting out of the draft, now that's too much!!!
Way to just go out and say, yes females are completely and utterly inferior! Males can destroy their spaces and prizes for penis titillation who cares it's just dumb women. But the draft that is actually serious business that affects real people.
( RighteousIndignation )
its less the humouring as no one really believes he's a woman, its the pandering because he wants you to pretend he is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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