With Obummer calling for your guns after the recent occurrence in Charleston, South Carolina we need to remember that it is guns that could have protected those people in that church not gun control. The pastor from that church was saying this very thing on the news.
May I just remind you that the countries the people who died in the gas chambers came from - in the main Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Yugoslavia - were not run in 1938 by people who wanted to have their Jews liquidated at the hands of the Germans. So what happened? They were invaded and occupied and millions died even though they had guns .
When you look at this picture, remember that Hitler was a christian who believed he was "acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending himself against the Jew, He was fighting for the work of the Lord."
Aside from the Godwin, I'm not even sure what this picture is supposed to mean. Do conservatards really think that if they have to give up their precious guns they'll automatically be rounded up and stuffed into gas chambers? Or is it just propaganda so they can continue to cling to their penis substitutes?
remember that it is guns that could have protected those people in that church not gun control.
Because nothing pleases Jesus more than his followers packing heat in his father's house. And am I the only one who thinks it's crazy when they say that the only solution to the gun problem is more people with guns?
Hahahahahah. The democrats don't want to take your guns away, guns are under regulated in America. Alcohol, tobacco, driving, voting, gambling this all all things that are more regulated then guns in America.
Also the Nazi were pro guns. They wanted their people armed. Your Godwin is made of lose.
I'm sorry, Steve, are you saying that if Jews had guns, they could shoot their way out of a gas chamber?
remember that it is guns that could have protected those people in that church not gun control.
The mind boggles what the death toll could have been if the congregation had all been armed and started praying and spraying with no military or police training.
As the war drew to its close the Nazis armed just about every german who could walk and talk. The Volkssturm. It didn't stop the allied armies crushing them.
An army of gun nuts armed with a variety of small arms will never defeat an army of professional soldiers armed with the full array of heavy weapons a modern army has access to.
The Pastor was one of the people killed. I doubt he rose from the grave to say he wishes he was armed.
Even the NRA does not like the idea of guns in churches. When one board member suggested it the rest of the board distanced themselves from him. The NRA disagrees with you.
Okay. First thing. This has been bugging me for a while, now: "Obummer"? That sounds like something a fucking surfer would come up with on the fly.
Secondly, fuck you for having the gall to compare yourself to the victims of one of the worst tragedies in our history just because someone suggested that maybe several million random assholes who rush to assume the worst possible scenario at the slightest provocation don't have any good reason to own an assault rifle .
Thirdly, no amount of guns or bullets would save you if the government were to take such a turn. You are NOT John Rambo, the real world does NOT operate on the rules of shitty 80s action flicks and you would NOT pose any kind of threat to any marksman, tank, fighter or bomber with your fucking rifle. If the government gave a shit about your worthless ass, they'd get you. Period. End of discussion.
Remember the picture, because the same people advocating looser restrictions would love to put their personal hated minority in one.
Frankly, when far right dumbasses compare Potus to Hitler, I would like to remind them that they aren't that different from the Nazi party.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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