Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
States have a right to repel the invasion at our southern border. We don't need to be driving illegals further into the country on busses, we need to build the wall, deport them all, and protect our borders.

@DrPaulGosar This will be remembered as one of the greatest documentaries of all time. Europa the last battle, was intragle in my awakening and countless others.
Everything is about to change! #welcometothegreatWhiteawakening

@DrPaulGosar why can’t Abbott drive them south instead of north? Serious question.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar Some of the border patrol agents are working against the National Guards. NG locked the gate & BP unlocked it for the illegals. The cartel has infiltrated the Border Patrol, some of these border state Governors are making money off this invasion. Abbott is traitor & has tied to China.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar All the commies live in the North and since they are responsible for supporting the dismantling of the border then they should foot the bill for the illegals foisted on the South. IF you don't like living in the North then MOVE. I moved from the North to the South a few years ago and my only regret is not moving sooner.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar Bacause Abbott is a phony arse RINO.

@Emmee83 @DrPaulGosar - Because Abbott has been in on the scam to destroy our Republic all along. He could have stopped this when it started.


Will there be an Operation Wetback 2.0 to remove the 4.9m (so far) illegal immigrants that have crossed?

Any liberals who defend them should have a special tax added to their pay roll. Make them pay for what they believe. It is the only way!

@DrPaulGosar Article IV section 4 of the Constitution covers a treasonous fed that does not secure the border and the States and people taking over that duty. And does say to hang the traitors in the fed.

Yes, white erasure must be rejected in totality.

@DrPaulGosar Indeed, but that doesn’t happen unless we start naming the primary driving force behind this invasion: Jews.



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