This image has 14k likes as of this writing.
Transcript of image: The View is hate-filled, anti-Trump, anti-American propaganda and should be cancelled. SHARE if you agree!
That's not conservative journalism, that's conservative suppression of opposing views. This is a free country with freedom of speech. Simply, you're allowed to say things I disagree with, and I'm allowed to say things you disagree with. Canceling the program you don't like isn't even just censorship; it's an admission that the opposition is frightened of letting people hear both sides. Let opposing views be shown to stand or fall on their own merits.
OK look I do not watch the view myself. But in no way do I want it cancelled as others might enjoy it. Hate filled like Breitbart is? Anti Trump and anti American goes under free speech. Unless you advocate turning over first amendment. If so you want a fascist dictatorship like 1930s Italy and Germany. Or perhaps Communist states like that under Stalin or Phol Pot or Lenin is your style. Either way it is the antithesis of America. Not to mention it seems to me that anti Trump seems to be more pro America. So basically in every way you failed.
Also Whoopi Goldberg did some fantastic acting and I admit to being a fan of her acting even if I do not watch the view, I am glad she has something going for her
Well, for eight years Faux News was hate-filled, anti-Obama, anti-liberal propaganda but I don't recall a lot of calls for it to be taken off the air.
Sky News was punished when it was critical of another news organisation: to the tune of £250,000, and a broadcast/printed apology. It tried to be like Faux News, but failed as a result of that fine.
Comcast's bid to take over such. Along with Sky/Fox TV acquisition by Disney . Rupert Murdoch no longer the heavy-hitter in world media.
OFCOM: No Opinion allowed. But at least no anti-Fart propaganda. Incidentally, has your 'Emprah' stopped shitting himself over his potential reception by the British public if he visited the UK: despite none of said 'Propaganda' surfacing on news channels here, and what's been said via Twitter: and Facebook ...?!
Propaganda: and how it's propagated . That's Facebook , don't forget.
Do you agree , Conservative Journalists...?!
Fox News is hate filled, pro-Trump, anti-American propoganda and should be completely ignored.
SHARE if you agree!
There, fixed it for you.
14k likes already huh? As if we didn't already know how easy it is to get a few thousand brain dead republican majini to like something on Facebook as long as it contains hateful nonsense demeaning anyone they dislike.
The View has been on the air for over a decade. Bagging on The Orc isn't going to bring it down, no matter how badly Donnie Dinky Hands may want that. Furthermore, Fox Noise has been polluting our airwaves for over 2 decades, & unfortunately, is still here, despite all the provably false bullshit they've spread.
I despise conservatives/republicans/stormtrumpers with every fiber of my being. They are doubtless the stupidest, most worthless, devoid of any & all humanity group of people to have ever stalked the US.
So should this guy...
@Thinking Allowed
Who's that guy?
Don't like it? Don't watch it. I've never seen an episode of The View in my life. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out why a bunch of women are against Trump.
And the irony of calling something "anti-American" while demanding that it be censored in direct violation of the First Amendment appears to be lost on those 14K idiots who shared this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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