various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @RealRedElephants )
Why wouldn't you think he's controlled?

( @LordVince )
@RealRedElephants the Jews talking about us like they think of us as cattle or goyim or something

( @YiddishGypsies )
@LordVince @RealRedElephants

"jews", who are today, actually, cloaked yiddish-gypsies pretending to be semites, do have religious laws called mitzvahs that REQUIRE all tribe members to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, ENSLAVE, ENTRAP, MISLEAD all other non-tribe-members... yiddish-gypsies are very dangerous, govern yourself accordingly.

( @MelGabson )
@RealRedElephants how dare you... I'm controlled by no one. I was just leaning on (((that))) wall because I was tired.

( @Something_is_wong )
@RealRedElephants Trump went to the wall as well.

( @Seletius )
@Something_is_wong @RealRedElephants they can't refuse schekels greed takes over then they lose their // know where you are with joos but decepticons are far worse.

( @sizzlerjoe )
@Something_is_wong @RealRedElephants yes but he did it before awareness dems rigged election and before covids plot.

( @Plastic_Banana )
DeSantis worked for mlilitary intelligence agencies. Literally deep state. He used to be a generic neo-con before his supposed conversion to America First populism. Why doesn't the media attack him even 10% as much as they constantly attack Trump or even Tucker, etc? They attack him but not even close to what you would expect for a real populist threat to the system. All of this makes me very suspicious.

( @JasonFletcher )
@RealRedElephants Not sure anyone gets far without bending the knee to ZOG. So it goes.



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