Because The Big Bang Theory cannot be tested it must be classified as a theory.
Because it is a theory based on the origin of the universe is must be a religion.
Because it is a religion, if you believe it, you have faith in it.
1) "Theory" in science does not mean "wild guess" - it's about as close to proven as you can get.
2) Nope, check - none of the definitions have anything to do with the origin of the universe by itself; it has to do with belief in some sort of deity.
3) Premise is false, so the conclusion fails.
And it can be indirectly tested, ever hear of cosmic background radiation?
You might as well demand direct evidence of the existence of Aztec Emperor Montezuma, and then say that since no one alive has ever met him, then he must have never existed!
The atom is a theory.
Gravity is a theory.
Quantum mechanics is a theory.
I wonder why they haven't tried to incorporate "Intelligent Design" into these theories. They might not win at the creation debate.
Besides, I like "Intelligent Falling" It sounds so much better than gravity.
CERN. Just last week. The proof of the existence of the Higgs-Boson.
But then, just goes to prove that mere 'theories' have a rather nasty habit of becoming Facts .
...oh, and Gravity is just a 'theory' too. So are Germs. So you won't mind if I inject you with Ebola, whilst this anvil is dropped on your head from a great height. After all, mere 'theories' can't kill you...! >:D
"Because it is a theory based on the origin of the universe is must be a religion."
No. It is a scientific concept that's been under great scrutiny by all the knowledge we have at our disposal. At this points it's survived decades and predictions made (black Holes for one) have been observed.
No one in the field has ever issued orders from a God. That's what religions are and do. Religions demand you believe and follow orders without question, damn near the opposite of scientific process.
“Because The Big Bang Theory cannot be tested it must be classified as a theory.”
This treats science as limited to eyewitnesses. This would mean that a forensic technician couldn’t testify about the death of a murder victim unless they murdered someone in the lab to verify the conditions.
“Because it is a theory based on the origin of the universe”
It’s ABOUT the origin of the universe, it’s based on scientific observations.
“is must be a religion.”
Not a useful definition of religion, science, theory, or the helping verb ‘must.’
“Because it is a religion,”
False premise.
“if you believe it, you have faith in it.”
If i believe in it because a little pink fairy told me about it during out flight over Wisconsin, maybe. If i accept it as established science with little to do with religion, it’s not faith.’
So, what, you quoted the bible at someone and they dismissed it because it’s just a myth? This was not the most sophisticated response.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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