Tatsuya Ishida #racist #homophobia sinfest.xyz

[From “March 11, 2025: Bad Place 4”]


Panel 1: a well-built bearded man is telling to Miko and the Cartoonist “White nations for White people” and “Black nations for Black people”
Panel 2: the man continues: “People instinctivelt prefer their own race”, “This is natural” and “This is healthy”
Panel 3: the man is between two Trump supporters and says “The best society” and “is a homogeneous society”
Pänel 4: the Cartoonist says “Homo genius society?” On the right of the panel are a purple-haired man (LGBT-coded) playing a violin, another purple-haired man creating a painting and a third one, looking like Albert Einstein, holding dildos and wearing an open lab coat. The only clothing each of them wear besides the markers of their professions are thongs barely containing enormous genitals.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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