the Cartoonist
So, is Tatsuya Ishida admitting that he is an impressionable idiot who will completely and utterly fall for whatever bullshit biology some random crackpot tells him without any evidence?
Also, why is Oktoberfest Husbando randomly teleporting into some bar for one panel (and presumably back for the punchline)? And why are Miko and the Cartoonist children, unless those random MAGA troglodytes are supposed to be like three metres tall as well? Also, is Oktoberfest Husbando supposed to be that lanky hillbilly, evolved into his Final Form after taking the Black Pill and/or Hitler’s Camphor?
There can be no such thing as a homogeneous society, because people - even conjoined twins! - are different from each other. Even in a society of clones, mutations would create differences in Nature, and from there, we have the chaos of Nurture - no two individuals will ever have the exact same experiences, and even subtle differences could have very different outcomes especially cumulatively over a lifetime. Thus, the closest thing to a homogeneous society possible is an oppressively conformist society.
But, would a heterogeneous society actually be desirable? No, not at all. A pluralistic society embracing diversity of culture and thought has a large variety of perspectives and wide pools of wisdom and inspiration from which new ideas can be born. It is flexible and benefits from the outsiders being able to see flaws in what is taking for granted for those who lived with them all their life. It is well equipped to adapt and evolve. A homogeneous society, on the other hand, is the complete opposite - stagnant and blind to its own flaws. And thus, change being the only constant, any such society is doomed to extinction. The same is true for the oppressively conformist societies attempting to emulate a homogeneous society, with the additional onus of that fate being self-inflicted through wilful ignorance and suppression of dissidents.
In short, the cause of a homogeneous society is not only morally evil, but also harmful and futile. In fact, fascist society is perhaps the worst society possible, and certainly the worst if we exclude outright societal collapse.
Granted, between being a Nazi that actually looks like the perfect ideal of Teutonic beauty and standing straight and pronouncing complex words while being in shirtless Bavarian cosplay, randomly teleporting probably is the least unrealistic thing about this character.