smd86 #fundie
islamics believe in "allah". Allah means "moon". Basically they believe hes a god of the moon. which is ridiculous. They DENY Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. And by denying Christ, makes them and anyone else anti-christ. I dont know where you heard that they worship Christ. They are fully against him, and kill anyone who is for him. What church are you going to? what bible are you reading? Not the same one as me, obviously. i don't mean to turn this into a religion flame topic, I just can't stand seeing people back up such EVIL.
Jehovah my God, and saviour is far from the name of "allah". I don't even capitalize allah, its a piece of trash. Same with the islamic religion.
Heres a question for you. What positive things do you see coming from the islamic nations? none. Infact, this whole stupid war is because of those morons. It's not a war between nations, it's a spiritual war. Its the fight against Satan, and the struggle to defeat him.