Aldabruzzo #sexist
NOTE: This is advice for girls in this slut's position. As such, it will be offensive to some of you.
EDIT: LOL at the downvoting. You who downvote lack the courage to face the truth. Repent, and be of good cheer. Have the courage to face the truth. END edit
Listen, Ms. 24 year old slut who wants to change her ways and be a good wife.
Here's what you need to do:
First, STOP FUCKING RANDOS. Then take a year off dating. No dating, no fucking, no ONS, no nothing with men. Gets your head screwed on straight, and gets your priorities right.
Then go to a physician and get a head to toe physical, full blood workup, and a full STD panel. Make sure you're clean.
Then go to a counselor and get to the bottom of whatever's going on with you. Mommy issues, Daddy issues, substance abuse, someone was mean to you growing up, organic issues, personality disorders. Whatever it is, get to the bottom of it and get it handled.
Then work on your career or job. Get frugal. Get rid of whatever you don't need. Start learning how to live within your means. Start learning how to take care of money. If you are going to be a wife, you need to show a man you can be trusted with money.
Then start learning domestic skills. Learn how to cook, clean, and take care of a house. Learn how to manage time and use it wisely. Learn how to live within a budget. If you are going to be a wife, you have to know how to take care of a house and make do with what you're given.
When your year of voluntary celibacy is up, and you start dating again, if you are really serious about finding a husband, job #1 for you is to start getting very serious about what you can actually attract long term. Chad is not going to commit. Sorry- not sorry. HE IS NOT GOING TO COMMIT. EVER. So you are going to have to settle. Sorry-not sorry. That's the consequence of your sluttery. You've ramped up your taste for alpha cock so high that ordinary mere mortals will never be attractive to you. So you now will have to make do with regular men.
Job #2 is to find men who you can be attracted to and whom you can fuck. Pick a guy you can be reasonably attracted to, you can fuck him, even enjoy it. Then tell him everything. Tell him how many guys you fucked. Don't get into detail. But you do need to come clean that you were a slut and you fucked a lot of guys. And then you need to accept his decision.
Throw yourself on the guy's mercy. Do whatever he asks or expects of you. Accept whatever conditions he puts on your relationship. Offer him a prenup waiving alimony forever. Include in the prenup an adultery penalty, and give him primary custody of any children you have in the event of divorce. Offer to submit your children to DNA testing to establish paternity. If you can't do those things, cut him loose.
You have sex with that man whenever he reasonably asks, for the entire duration of your relationship. You do it even when you're not attracted to him, not feeling it, and don't want to. I don't give a flying rat's ass that you're not attracted to him in that moment, you're not "feeling it", and you don't want to. I don't care. I DON'T CARE. YOU FUCK HIM ANYWAY, AND YOU DO IT WITH ENTHUSIASM. That guy accepted your slutty past, and is willing to overlook it. The very least you can do is give him the sex you gave Chad. You get down on your knees and you service him however he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants. You fucking DO IT.
Accept with grace and dignity the station you have created for yourself. Accept with humility and gratitude that a man, any man, was willing to accept you and your checkered past. Be grateful that any man was willing to take you. Express that gratitude by dropping trou and having enthusiastic, wild sex with him, sucking his cock, and giving him whatever he wants sexually. Take care of his house, cook for him, clean his house, do his laundry, and for the love of God, DO NOT EVER COMPLAIN.
Do not EVER tell him you're not attracted to him - even if you aren't. You might feel that way, but do not EVER tell him that and do not EVER act like that. DO NOT BE A BITCH, EVER. Do not EVER tell him you wish X was different. Do not EVER tell him you want a BMW when your used Toyota minivan works fine. Do not EVER tell him you want him to work more so you'll have more money. Do not EVER tell him you want him to work less so he'll be home more. You fucking accept his work life however the fuck it is and DO NOT EVER BITCH ABOUT IT, EVER.
Do not ever, ever say a mean, cross word to him. EVER. Do not EVER disrespect him in front of his children or in public, EVER. Do not EVER say or do anything that belittles or derides him. Be quick to apologize, even if you didn't do anything wrong. if you said something to hurt or offend him, acknowledge it, and apologize immediately.
You do whatever he wants, when he wants it, and you don't complain. You give him what he wants, when he wants, it, and you dont' complain. You be glad and grateful for whatever he's willing to give you, and you DO NOT COMPLAIN.