Ben Garrison #quack #conspiracy


1) "It's the new normal! Wear a mask!!" yells an alien facehugger as it attacks someone
2) A chestburster labelled "Forced Vaccines" and "Global Agenda" bursts out of his chest.

I happened to read our local newspaper recently. In their Letters to The Editor section, a woman implored us all to start wearing masks. She said it’s time to do our patriotic duty. Everyone must wear a mask outside their homes! If we all wore them the virus would quickly be defeated. During World War II all citizens came together and sacrificed for the war effort and we were victorious. She implied the war on the COVID-19 virus is no different.

It is different.
Fake News mass media pumps out non-stop fear. Everyone is suspect. Danger from an unseen thing lurks everywhere. Social distancing is simply division designed to prevent us coming together and protesting. The masks are not a sign of patriotism. Rather, they are a sign of defeat and submission to an evil power elite. They hate humanity and they want us to hate ourselves. A mask is a symbol of that self-hatred.

The masks are not only an affront to our human dignity, they also take away our humanity and they are also a precursor of things to come. If we accept the unconstitutional ‘orders’ that we have to social distance and wear masks when we’re out of our homes, the Deep State will also think we will then eagerly accept digital tagging in some form when the time comes. Big global corporate stores such as Costco require masks on faces before entering. That will become the ‘new normal’ they love to promote. They want the mask nonsense to be widely accepted before forcing their vile and endless vaccines upon us. Soon, people will have to prove they’ve been vaccinated before shopping for food.

What do you think Bill Gates was talking about during those Bilderberg meetings? Why did they erect those Georgia Guide Stones telling us about their plans for a great population reduction? The satanic monsters are required to tell us what they’re going to do to us. They think we’re cattle who can be easily herded. The eugenicists’ planned-demic is designed to defeat us once and for all. The time to resist is now. Your chances of dying from their virus is very small, but the chances of our liberties dying are much greater. Just say ‘NO!’ to the masks. Say ‘HELL NO!’ to forced, life-shortening vaccines, a cashless society, and a Chinese-style social credit system.

Don’t let the monsters have their way.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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