The begging question is how nature was able to simultaneously, or nearly simulatnaeously, evolve a male with fully operational sex organs, evolve a female counterpart with fully operation sex organs that just so happen to be perfectly compatible, and be placed within the same locality that they could find one another, and for nature to give them the understanding that they must mate in order to create progeny, all in one felled swoop?
Life started sexlessly and developed into the two sexes together -- but gradually, not "in one felled swoop"; that's why men have nipples, for one thing.
Please get thee to a school and read on, MacDuff, especially in the fields of science and Shakespeare.
That which we call a fundie, by any other name, would be as foolish.
~David D.G.
Basically, he's described Genesis, and the Garden Of Eden, and now wants to know how science can be fitted to it.
This could illustrate why some Fundies can miss the whole concept of science. In this case, they don't see how science can explain Biblical creation. If science can't explain how fairy tales can work, then it must be wrong.
It started with single celled organisms that could reproduce via mitosis. some of these cells evolved a genetic quirk where they could simply divide after a given time period/nutrient intake or they would divide after exchanging a short chain of DNA with cells of the same species.
This presexual reproduction increased the rate of mutation and reproduction and by consequence, natural selection and evolution. A few billion generations down the line multicellular organisms were still playing both roles but instead of a direct nuclea excange DNA was spread through gametes (sperm, pollen, ect.) some individuals of a species mutated a better "give" mechanism and some a better "recieve" and reproduce but since the genetic makeup of the offspring contianed part of the give and recieve genes both carried on the the next generation.
In some phylums the givers and recievers became so specialized that they could no longer perform the opposite role producing definite males and females.
Even though maes and females are the common pairing for multicellular life Lots of organisms break this standard. Worms and lower mollosks tend to be hermaphodites, with both animals giving birth after mating. Some species of fish spend their youth as males and become females at maturity or can swap sexes when the population becomes unbalanced. The flowerpot snake reproduce asexually even though they are vertebrates. There's a species of fungus with nine identified sexes that can mate with any sex but it's own.
If you look carefully at the Y chromosome, you'll see it's a stunted abnormal freak of nature. Females evolved first. Males evolved later.
While the mammalian Y chromosome indeed is a stunted freak, it come about long, long after the advent of sexual production. Other animals have other methods of sex determination - among at least some lizards, frex, the sex is determined by the temperature at which the egg gestates.
Nature didn't. If you look carefully at the Y chromosome, you'll see it's a stunted abnormal freak of nature. Females evolved first. Males evolved later. - Wolf O'Donnell (SWHQ)
I can just picture the fundie heads blowing up at the thought that females were created first. Why that's in direct violation of the scriptures!
The problem is you're still looking at evolution in terms of creation, thus misunderstandings such as male and female evolving "in one fell swoop". Gee, it seems to make a lot more sense to think of them being created "in one fell swoop" rather than evolving, therefore evolution is the problem, not my polluted understanding of it! I bet this person also buys the "what good is half a wing/lung/leg" arguments.
Unbelievable. The fundie has the garden of eden on the brain. "nature to give them the understanding... Placed within some locality..." No, no, NO! EVOLUTION DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! Evolution is not like bible stories, we do not start off with 2 modern organisms -.-
Males and Females are members of the same species with a single variant chromosome.
Sex organs happen to be compatible because if at any point in history they were not, said organism would not pass on the mutation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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