Demonic Abortion is a companion edition to Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's larger work, Exorcism and the Church Militant. The parallels in the pro-life movement to the Church's hand-to-hand combat with the devil in exorcism are legion. The abortion industry is not just powerful in worldly terms; it is the institutionalized power of the devil. Human beings cannot commit such immense atrocities without a diabolical intelligence and malice giving them power. The scope of the killing, the fervor of abortion's missionaries of death and the seductive force of its ideology transcend the human intellect and will. Only the Church has the spiritual resources and the authority to end the culture of death. This book examines not only the satanic nature of the abortion industry, but also the spiritual power that the Church can marshal in the defense of the most innocent of God's children, the unborn--and their mothers. Christ will use the hearts that are ready to pray and the hands that are ready to work, and He will, through His Church Militant, drive out the evil of abortion from our midst
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