The Neaderthal (made by Lucifer) ended up in the Northern Israel wilderness circa seven hundred thousand years ago. The people in the wilderness that Cain said would kill him. But he was assured by HaShem, they would not harm him....
Cain (and his offpring) intebred with them instead. Producing the first modern humans, the Cro-Magnon....
Seth was born at that time, thirty thousand years after Cain, and inbred with his brother's offspring.
Making us a species of interbred/inbred hybrids.
HaShem has a 1500 cubic mile "KINGDOM" in creation. It dilates time. 30,000 years between Cain and Seth, might have been 30 minutes/seconds in the KINGDOM, dilating time....
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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