[on homeless LGBT teens]
‘Kids are kicked out of their homes just for being who they are,’ is how the saying goes, well let me offer another possibility that I’ve heard far too often: a parent learns that a son or daughter is claiming to be gay but an underage child still lives at home, so the now-heartbroken parent puts new restrictions on some of the activities like for instance, the teen is no longer going to be having sleepovers with that same-sex friend, or if the friend is a college student or has an apartment, visits over there will not be permitted. What does the teen do? It may become a fight where the teen storms out by choice and leaves voluntarily because the homosexual relationship is more important than that of his or her parents. And when that all-important relationship ends, the teen is too stubborn or already too-involved in alcohol or drugs or the premature independence of the homosexual life and he or she would rather drift than return home. It’s not always the case of course but personal decisions are at the heart of these issues.
Or... in the case I am aware of, the poor kid couldn't make it on his own and had to pretend to "straighten out" so he could come home. His parents didn't love him, so much as they loved the image of him; a fake version of their son.
"It may become a fight where the teen storms out by choice and leaves voluntarily because the homosexual relationship is more important than that of his or her parents. "
Or it may be that you're making excuses for christians shitty parenting because god said so.
That is not how it happens. But in these scenarios the homophobe parent-- because only a homophobic prick of a parent would be "heartbroken" over their kid not being perfectly sraight-- is still attempting to keep teh gay away and is treating their child like they have an affliction. And it is incredibly gross and disingenuous to suggest that a parent should be concerned for a younger sibling, as if they will be infected or harmed in some way.
And, okay, playing the "what if game;" if a teen did leave by choice to pursue a relationship, should they be left to rot for making rash decisions? Should they be ignored because they are gay or because the develop an addiction? Because we all know that teens, as a whole, always make the best decisions in life and have it so easy.
And this is what the defeated fundies - post-late 2012 - are reduced to, eh? Because yours is no longer the Dominant Paradigm, you therefore attack those you consider 'responsible' for your power & control over others cruelly wrested away from you. And the youngest, and therefore weakest , of that convenient soft target: LGBT people; teens.
No wonder you lot lost in late 2012, if that's an example of 'Christian' Love . One word: Perception.
...oh, and haven't you forgotten the first rule of parenting: Your kids decide which nursing home you go to.
You'd better not have kids Linda, you dried-up & dessiccated old harpy. You do know that one reason for your FAIL in late-2012 is due to the present & upcoming generations no longer having the attitudes of their Fundie Teabagger parents.
Like I say: that one word: Perception . The Democrats thank you for helping in their securing the White House in 2016, and for generations to come, Lindiepoos. If 'loose lips sink ships', then so much as your (and all your fundie ilk's) so-called 'Opinions' are the anti-ship missiles fired by the GOP - on themselves . >:D
Nothing in this text is specific only for gays, silly. When I (a woman) became a teenager, I had two underage brothers "still living at home". Should my parents have been heartbroken and put new restrictions on some of my activities? Or should they have hoped that I turned out gay?
No straight teenager has ever been in a fight with their parents and stormed out by choice, right?
No teenagers have ever seen their heterosexual relationship as more important than that of their parents, right?
No straight teenagers have ever been too stubborn or already too involved in alcohol or drugs or the premature independence of the heterosexual life to return home, right?
Only gay teenagers have personal decisions at the heart of their issues...
[on homeless straight teens]
Kids are kicked out of their homes just for being who they are,’ is how the saying goes, well let me offer another possibility that I’ve heard far too often: a parent learns that a son or daughter is claiming to be straight but an underage child still lives at home, so the now-heartbroken parent puts new restrictions on some of the activities like for instance, the teen is no longer going to be having sleepovers with that opposite-sex friend, or if the friend is a college student or has an apartment, visits over there will not be permitted. What does the teen do? It may become a fight where the teen storms out by choice and leaves voluntarily because the heterosexual relationship is more important than that of his or her parents. And when that all-important relationship ends, the teen is too stubborn or already too-involved in alcohol or drugs or the premature independence of the heterosexual life and he or she would rather drift than return home. It’s not always the case of course but personal decisions are at the heart of these issues.
...I am disgusted, and enraged.
Linda Harvey, fuck you for your lack of basic human empathy and compassion.
That's easy to fix.
"Kids are kicked out of their homes because of who their parents are - incompetent assholes."
Just like Galileo. Once you know the Sun is the center and not the Earth, everything else falls into place in the simplest manner.
Thank you, Linda, for showing us the difference between non-fundies and the Religious Right. For non-fundies, including many Christians, a young person like this is someone who needs help. For fundies like you, they are just someone to score points off.
Gay kids get treated like shit all the time, and it has nothing to do with having a same sex relationship. I've seen it myself.
IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE GAY. Some parents need no more reason than that.
A lot of words just to say, "I'm a soulless, sociopathic freak who has no compassion for anybody." Nice job, you may turn in your "Human Being" card.
I pretended to be a straight, heteronormative Christian until my mother threw me out at 17. Not because I had a same-sex relationship (I didn't even allow myself that much until I was in my 20s), but because she suspected that I wasn't an ultra-conservative, straight Southern Baptist with the same prejudices she subscribed to.
But of course, it was my fault, right? I should have done a better job at pretending to be someone I'm not, so bigots like my mother (and Linda Harvey) could pretend that people like me - and our beloved Old Viking - don't exist.
Ugh...Non-Prophet's "mother" needs to turn in her Mother Card, STAT! A real mother would never reject her kid, period! *hugs Non-Prophet* Sorry, man
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