Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson #crackpot #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

The purpose of this book is to explain why Atlantis is considered a lost continent, particularly to Westerners. The explanation is that Westerners are looking for evidence that this advanced civilization is located on or near Europe and that their residents were Caucasian, like themselves. In recent years, some researchers have turned to other possible locations, in or off Africa and Cuba. It has been raised that Atlanteans may have been Black or dark-skinned, like today’s scorned residents and descendants of Sub-Saharan Africa. The Africoid African population of Atlantis would mirror the complexion of the rulers and deities of all pre- and post-flood civilizations before the serial invasions of the so-called cavemen of the Ural Mountains in what is today Russia. <...> Supposedly, Atlantis was founded and colonized by black-skinned Lemurians (Mu) from a continent that sunk into the Pacific Ocean as a result of the Great Flood. This interpretation fully debunks the classic white supremacist notion that whites founded and populated all of ancient civilization and that they are exclusively endowed with intellectual design to any other race.<...> The Caucasian invaders pillaged the remains of these great Black civilization and claimed the accomplishments as their own. The descendants of the Black founders of the more advanced civilizations in the pre- and post-ancient world are beginning to emerge from disinformation to see their true legacy and potential. This book provides the research to foster this awakening. <...> The subsequent awakening could free people of darker hue from the yoke of racism, psychological enslavement, colonialism, imperialism, and conquerors disinformation to meet their ancestral Atlantean legacy. This book in kind may serve as a blueprint for the fulfillment of that legacy and the truth that racial hegemony is cyclical favoring people of the darkest hue.



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