Fundie = possessed by irrational fear and hate, and/or unable to think for self outside particular extreme doctrine?
Blah, Margaret. Stop. Fear is one thing, but you've ruined your own life and have become a minor threat to other people's peace. (Haven't seen any mention of her offering violence yet, just hate, which still puts her above the rape apologists from loveshy.)
@ Whoever brought it up: When the oppressed fringe-crazies get particularly bad, it's because they know they have the victim card stapled on already, so there's a certain tendency toward throwing yourself into the theme, while historic oppressors who know it usually are a little more worried about dignity and having to justify themselves to doubters. And very probably, it's just easier not to doubt that you're right in claiming to be the wronged party when that's the official version.
This isn't like saying the Holocaust justifies sending thousands of unrelated people to die in camps for Israel, but I'd say it's based on a similar principle.
The five-year-old-kiss-on-the-hand story, while stupidly overblown and filled with conspiracy theory, seems to be meant to suggest that the foundations for date rape are laid in childhood, not that her daughter was actually date-raped.
...and I honestly think the comment "get a dick up you, you sour old dyke" addressed to a women obsessed with a fear of rape may have turned me off this site for good. The slur is bad. Then, if she is gay then how does the advice make defensible sense? And sex. Is what. She does. Not want. Her reasons are considerably better than fschmidt's, too, even if her principles are not much kinder.
She doesn't advocate death, rape, torture, or any serious legal injustice. She just makes two lines of really, really nasty deluded generalizations. So how does she get this much hate? Is the site trying to make sure it isn't sexist by concentrating a comparable level of fire on her as on its misogynist population and holding her up as a counterbalance to the people she hates?
Although the excessive invocation of Bubba against the rape apologists got a little old, too. Even after I separated it from the dead shrimp guy in /Forrest Gump/.