Sigmaa #fundie

[Least believable testimony ever]

I’ve seen blind people made to see again. I’ve seen arthritic people, once hunched over, straighten up and heard the loud snaps of their joints as they straighten up. I’ve actually watched the curved spines of those with scoliosis straighten in seconds. I’ve seen a girl with Down’s syndrome delivered. In mere seconds the trademark facial attributes were gone, her speech instantly cleared. I’ve seen an arm restored. Once severed below the elbow, I watched as a forearm, then a wrist, hand, and fingers generated in moments.

I’ve seen plenty of proof that God does exist and is quite active. So much more than even what I’ve mentioned. I understand that you may not have witnessed any of these things but that’s your fault and not mine. God shows Himself to whoever’s watching and doesn’t operate in a vacuum.

Can you show me your proof that He doesn’t exist?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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