Andrew Jackson ethnically cleansed much of the American South to make way for a the slave-owning aristocracy’s expansion. His crank economics messed up the country for a generation and handed the keys to the kingdom over to wildcat bankers.
Franklin Pierce aggressively enforced slavery even in free states, started Bleeding Kansas and ultimately emboldened slave power into starting the most destructive war in our history.
Andrew Johnson gutted Reconstruction and did everything possible to hinder the rights of freed slaves, illegally dismissed cabinet members and let the seditionists in the South walk free, apparently to spite his rivals in Congress.
Woodrow Wilson started one of the most destructive wars in US history, re-segregated the federal bureaucracy and jailed his political opponents. This guy brought back the Klan for christsake.
Calvin Coolidge’s reckless economic policies brought in the Great Depression, one of the worst market crises in history.
Richard Nixon spied on his opponents and killed thousands of civilians in his illegal bombing of Cambodia.
Bush quite literally killed a million people without UN authorization and based on a lie, not to mention the Great Recession and creating an international network of torture camps.
…and of course, Impeached Donald, whose list of offenses includes nearly going to war with Iran, obstruction of justice, what appears to be collaboration with Russia to sling mud at his political opponents, then trying to do the same thing with Ukraine, presiding over the worst pandemic in a century with a million dead and counting, deploying stormtroopers against protesters, bragging about getting a guy killed without trial, trying to make himself President again despite losing, and then lastly, trying to kill the Vice President and Congress to create a “Reichstag Moment” as the actual Joint Chief of Staff described it.
But yeah sure, worst President in US is Joe for insisting people on planes where cloth masks.