Various Fundies #fundie

(Note: Fundie backlash to the Hatmaker's supporting LGBT #3)

1. No! You are supposed to tell your friends this; there is a division of the laws between moral, ceremonial and civil. The laws regarding shellfish and mixed fabrics are ceremonial, but the laws against homosexuality are the moral laws. Also Biblical was part of a servitude system in no way similar to American slavery. Also God allowed polygamy but never condoned; we seen what happened with polygamists line David and Solomon. That's the condemnation!

2. Gay marriage holy ? Read your Bible people! One man, one woman, one flesh. From beginning to end. What's not to get ?

3. I sincerly doubt God is gonna call something he destroyed Sodom over "Holy". If he did I wouldn't want any part of him. And before you make that ridiculous claim of "inhospitality", Sodom was clearly destroyed over Homosexuality; every verse about it points to it! No where else is anything even implied! Just accept it.

4. I'm not shocked, just disappointed. I should have seen this coming with the way you're statements on Orlando - "We cannot honour in death, who we failed in life". It was only inevitable you'd go off the deep end. On that note, as bad as that massacre was, not a single tear seems to shed over the murder of Christina Grimmie the night before. Of course considering the attention that LGBT seems to crave it's not surprising that the media would be focused on them than such a promising young singer.

5. (Reply to 4) The real tragedy was how on that day one soul went to go home to God, fifty others where cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity that night. And when we try to share the truth with the survivors and their loved ones, as to be expected our sincere empathy is dismissed as empty platitudes. It's just so sad, and I don't understand it. *tear drop emoji*

6. If Paul or the Bible wasn't enough to convince you, this may be a vain effort, but read the "Apocalypse of Peter" (preferably the translations that omit the part of Hell being temporary). Take a wild guess what the angels are doing to the people you claim to love. It may not be in the Bible, but if you wanted to see what Jesus had to say about them then there you go.

7. Well if this is the future of you liberals and so called "christians" embracing sin, immorality and everything Jesus ever stood for, I know who I'm voting for this November.



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