I've only gone through a few pages, but there are some misconceptions in this thread:
4. The Jews were completely innocent people
Not true. The Jewish community declared a world wide boycott of German goods. They even called it a war:
They wanted a war - well they got a war. You reap what you sow.
As for the Holocaust - the biggest reason why one would question it is that it is illegal in so many countries for doing so. Why is it illegal to "deny" the holocaust? Why are historians thrown in jail for providing contradictory evidence, such as David Irving ( Who was a widely credited and acclaimed historian for decades )? Facts do not need laws to protect them. History does not need to be written by throwing historians into jail for presenting something that goes against the normal.
How is this freedom of speech? This is oppression of freedom in it's highest form.
I'm sorry, but the Holocaust is one big money making scheme. Whether 6 million Jews died or not, that's all it is.
"Facts do not need laws to protect them."
No, but people do - and since the evidence for the Holocaust is so overwhelming the only reasonable conclusion is that deniers are motivated not by academic rigour but by anti-Semitism. Personally I think general 'incitement to racial hatred' laws cover this sufficiently, but some countries prefer to institute separate legislation for this to underline the horror of continuing to attack an ethnic group already so burdened by the actions of people like you.
Unfortunately facts do need laws to protect them.
As far as Irving goes, well the Germans are really sensitive about holocaust deniers. They're really trying to shake off the Nazi image.
@Exmuslim Turk
Russians died like many died, needlessly and often horribly, and the uniqueness of the horror perpetrated upon the Jewish people does not diminish that, nor does the recognition of that uniqueness and the need to protect that recognition from the attacks of anti-Semities. Yes, the Holocaust is, like all events, sometimes evoked in a way which cheapens it; but repeating the old 'rich jewish lobbies' stereotype cheapens it even further.
Read your link morons...
1933... Jews Declare war... Sounds like all of the Jews when if you read the article it states that the State of Israel called for a boycott of German products due the German treatment of Jews...
Like we did to South Africa...
Therefore you have achieved Fail.
Facts do need laws to protect them. Remember how easily we forget the "fact" that all men are equal. I disagree for David Irwing's jailing. He needs to be destroyed academically so that he has the same place in our minds as the AiG and Ken Ham and Jack Chick. And we can destroy him academically since we have "holocaust survivors", people who were part of the holocaust and indeed people who liberated the survivors. Jailing him turned him into a Neo Nazi martyr.
And as I remember, Irving's theory was blown out of the water. All he did was omit evidence for the holocaust and pad out stuff that could be used to claim it never happened. It was a bit extreme throw him in jail but the Germans do have a massive guilt complex.
The holocaust happened as did many many similar incidents throughout history. Everyone, Jews, Germans, deniers; accept it and move on.
MMMMM, dude....
The picture, you know the newspaper said "in Israel".
Well, did you know Israel didn't exist untill after the second World War.. So it's kinda fake...
Have a nice day... Idiot
People don't write about the Russians because the Russians made a deal with the Nazis when they invaded Poland. The Russians, consequently, bore part of the responsibility for the beginnings of the war in the first place.
Besides, the active pursuit of men, women and children is different from the casualties of a war the Russians helped to create.
Let's see.. in Israel?
Or just by the Jews in British Palestine?
If it's the Jews in British Palestine, then that's a . . . somewhat stupid reason for going to war with GREAT BRITAIN, but a good enough excuse anyway.
"The Jewish community declared a world wide boycott of German goods. They even called it a war"
So if I boycott, for the sake of argument, McDonalds, does that mean its ok for McDonalds to murder me, my family and everyone of the same ethnic origin and/or religion as me in every country that has a McDonalds "restaurant"?
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