Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims and those who stand by and say and do nothing are the grass among the snakes
Funny, but the only terrorists I fear happen to wear crosses, are white, and live in the USA. When are you going to say or do anything about them, oh grass among the snakes?
You're very young, I assume, since you lack knowledge of Christian terrorism.
And "the grass among the snakes"? ¿Que?
...all terrorists are Muslims...
Timothy McVeigh, James Alex Fields Jr, the KKK, the Army of God, the Lambs of Christ, the Concerned Citizens, Eric Rudolph, Michael F. Griffin, Paul J. Hill, Scott Roeder, James Kopp, Robert Lewis Dear, and quite a few others beg to differ. Those are just in the US. If you broaden the search globally, the list grows exponentially.
...those who stand by and say and do nothing are the grass among the snakes
There are plenty of instances of police officers and others in authority standing by and doing nothing in the face of violence perpetrated by Christians...
...and then there's you. You're selectively overlooking Christian terrorists.
Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh were Muslims? That must be news to them. I wonder if anyone let them know that.
You are an idiot, and your justification for your bigotry is as flimsy as any other.
Yes, there was McVeigh, and that shooter in Las Vegas. Yes, also our own homegrown lunatic Martin Bryant.
None of them Muslim, as far as I know.
Neo-nazi runs down protestors in Charlottesville - Not terrorism. Violence on both sides. Stop asking.
Not-white guy runs down pedestrians in New York - EXTREME VETTING! NOT IN AMERICA!
Dylan Roof guns down black churchgoers, Anders Breivik massacres a summer camp, pro-life groups kidnap doctors burn down buildings and set off bombs?
Not terrorists and not even for the reasons they themselves state. You don't simply ignore the snakes in the grass, you grow it taller to hide them. You're their fertilizer.
Not all terrorists are Muslims. Most terrorists in the US have been born and bred Americans.
It seems you are standing by, saying nothing, when white terrorists attack. You must be the grass among the snakes, then.
And, what emau99 said.
Therefore all Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK & Alt-Shitists are terrorists. No Exceptions.
Your 'Emprah' said and did nothing.
This just in: the KKK, Christian Identity, white supremacist militias, the Oklahoma City bomber, and the Unibomber are/were all Muslim.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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