[I much prefer rational thought and a skeptical approach to "faith".]
The next time you get in a plane for somewhere, remember that approach and see if you don't have second thoughts about getting on that plane.
You are stupid. I fly in planes because I trust in the rational thought and science that keeps them up in the air, not the blind faith that I'm not going to crash. Without the sceptical, rational thinking process, mankind would still be living in the intellectual dark ages, with no aeroplanes, or computers, or TVs or cars. It is a world without these things that 'faith' promises us. Doesn't sound too great does it?
The poster called "berrean" is a major troll, but apparently a sincere one, on the Yahoo!News message boards for science articles. He constantly demands that people give him REAL scientific proof about evolution and other such matters, then studiously evades, ignores, or just blatantly lies about it when it is provided. EVERY TIME. And he is evidently completely sincere, apparently truly believing that lying for Jesus is his mission in life.
~David D.G.
Rational thought tell us that an airplane will stay up because of the shape of the wings other scientifically designed elements, and a skeptical aproach tells us that the airplane will stay up because, of the thosands of flight that take place every day, nearly all reach their destinations safely. Yes, I think I will keep that in mind next time I have to fly somewhere, thanks. I feel much better about flying now.
Is this idiot one of those people who thinks that birds and airplanes defy the law of gravity?
Bonevulture -
By that same principle, there is a 50/50 chance that you even get off the ground (plane takes off/plane fails to take off). So your chances of crashing are actually only 1 in 4.
Then there's also your chances of getting to the airport on time in the first place, which is, let's say, 1 in 4. And that you'll find a parking space less than a mile away... oh, that's like 1 in 100. So, really, the odds that you will die in the plane crash are MUCH lower.
I and many other believers, for that matter, know that there is a pilot, who has passed a very rigurous test to get there(my very devout Spanish cousin, pilot both in the army and in civilian airlines, can tell), and an aeronautic engineer behind. That´s not faith, it´s reality.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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