First of all, there is no such thing as the scientific method.
If you are referring to hypothetico-deductive reasoning, that was invented by William Whewell, who is the same guy who decided upon the word “scientist.”
Additionally, I should like to point out that Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light. This is not part and parcel of the so-called “scientific” method. In fact, it’s not empirical at all. Yet you choose to give science the credit. Why is that?
And yet no doubt you avail yourself of the full panoply of scientific endevour and centuries of scientific thinking.
It's like you deliberately strand yourself in the middle of a dessert and stubbornly wait for the water to come to you. Actually, it's lapping about your ankles but you refuse to see it. There's a tidal wave coming. You're going to drown.
Seriously fucktards, google hypothesis, theory, scientific method, evidence and observation.
" Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light. This is not part and parcel of the so-called “scientific” method. In fact, it’s not empirical at all. Yet you choose to give science the credit. Why is that? "
Because lots of smart people tried to prove it's wrong for a long time and failed.
First of all, there is no such thing as the scientific method.
And yet you typed this on a computer connected to the internet.
I should like to point out that Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light. This is not part and parcel of the so-called “scientific” method.
Tell that to Andy Schlafly. I'm sure he'll enjoy it since he thinks that the theory of relativity is part of a liberal plot to promote abortion.
Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light
That's how he came up with the idea. That's NOT how he proved the hypothesis right and it became a theory.
This is not part and parcel of the so-called “scientific” method. In fact, it’s not empirical at all. Yet you choose to give science the credit. Why is that?
No, it's not empirical at all, that's why Einstein spent years doing a lot of math and research before he published his theory. That research and math is what proved that theory beyond a reasonable doubt and that's what gets the credit. People have tons of ideas, many are completely useless. To weed out the good from the bad you need the scientific method.
It doesn't matter how the Ureka moment came to Einstein, he did the math. Trying to explain his theory to the layman he came up with lots of analogies even to the point of calling the universe God, not YOUR God, just God as the entire universe as one.
In case you missed it, the concept plus the math is the science. Then again you omitted it on purpose to further the fundie claim that science is just stuff people make up.
It doesn't matter how Einstein first imagined relativity, what matters is that he took that hypothesis, tested it, had it peer reviewed and through multiples sources of evidence as well as multiple people confirming the evidence, it became a theory.
observe, hypothesis, testing, confirmation , theory. Where the hypothesis comes from is irrelevant.
"OF all the cases cited by psychiatrists, psychologists and historians of science to illuminate the role of symbolism in creative thought, none is more famous than August Kekule's somnolent vision of a snake biting its tail, a dream that supposedly revealed the true structure of the benzene ring to the German chemist."
Additionally, I should like to point out that Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light.
Was Albert wearing a giant strawberry Pop Tart while he did that?
Why is that?
Because science works.
Einstein came up with his theory of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light
Einstein may have come up with his hypothesis of relativity by imagining himself riding on a beam of light, but the scientific method doesn't address where hypotheses come from - only what's done to verify them.
In fact, it’s not empirical at all. Yet you choose to give science the credit. Why is that?
Because, and this is important, Einstein's predictions can be TESTED.
Imaginative insights can be part of science, as long as they're backed up by real empirical data. Which, in the case of Einstein, they are.
First of all, there is no such thing as Intelligent Design. If you are referring to the biblical creation story, that was a Bronze Age myth written by anonymous Jews, who were the same group who decided efficient crop farming methods were sins.
Additionally, I should like to point out that some retard came up with the deluge-generated Grand Canyon hypothesis by observing how high-pressure water affects soft mud while watering his lawn. This is not part of the so-called 'biblical' creation story. In fact, it's not mythical at all. Yet you choose to give god the credit. Why is that?
First of all, there is no such thing as the scientific method
Second of all, no matter how much fundies howl in protest, it works.
Why give science, and more importantly the scientific method, credit? Because it yields results, like the computer you're typing on right now you shithead.
Also you explained how Einstein came up with his hypothesis. He still had to prove it. Guess what he used to do that? I'll give you a hint. It's in your first sentence and apparently doesn't exist.
There is much to Science that is NOT empirical, especially creative imagination. But, until it is confirmed empirically, it is not Science.
For example: "String Theory" and its derivatives. It is fascinating Mathematics, but not (yet) empirically verified, and so not (yet) Science. Until it is (if that ever happens) it will remain Pure Mathematics, not that this is a bad thing.
There are also simplifications and idealizations which help to frame scientific concepts: "frictionless motion" "reversible heat transfer", etc. These are the scaffolding upon which edifices such as Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics were erected.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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