Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should “just say no” to homosexuality? (Instead, schools are willy-nilly working to spread the PC idea among youth that certain people are naturally “gay,” and that this is a harmless identity);
Why won’t the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease — to the idea that perhaps it’s probably not smart for society and pop culture to celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?;
Why isn’t there a concerted government effort — akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns — to reign in homosexual promiscuity – beginning with closing down all sex businesses (bathhouses) that facilitate homosexual perversion? (Of course, we favor closing down straight prostitution businesses as well.) We know that bisexual behavior (men on the “down low”) help spread dangerous diseases to the general population: how many deaths and illnesses have to result from “second-hand sodomy” before authorities take corrective action? (Curiously, even President Bush’s White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, recently abruptly cut off a question by reporter Les Kinsolving critical of homosexual bathhouses);
If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it – or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-”gay” movement?
Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should “just say no” to homosexuality?
Because they have no reason to.
(Instead, schools are willy-nilly working to spread the PC idea among youth that certain people are naturally “gay,” and that this is a harmless identity);
Because it is true.
Why won’t the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease to the idea that perhaps it’s probably not smart for society and pop culture to celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?;
*sigh* I've already had it with you.
Promiscuity and unprotected sex are the causes of the spread of disease. To teach kids that homosexual sex is more likely then hetero to sprad disease would be false.
Very typical of the fundy. Draw conclusions then make up "evidence" to support those conclusions.
"If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality"
You mean like breathing?
The way to combat STDs is to teach people how to prevent it (since there are proven ways to do so), not just tell them that they're abnormal and disgusting and why can't they just not have sex.
"special health risks associated with homosexual behavior"
Hell, why stop with homosexual behavior? Kids today need to be reminded that ANY kind of sex EVER equals instant STI + HELL.
Oh, wait...
"closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality"
Does this mean female homosexuality is okay? Is an act only moral if it minimizes potential health risks? Does this mean I am a sinner for the potato chip I ate earlier (going on a limb here and guessing heart disease kills more people than "teh ghey")?
"Why isn’t there a concerted government effort akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns to reign in homosexual promiscuity"
Because from a health perspective all unprotected sex is dangerous, and none of the differing types thereof is any more or less dangerous than the next. Hence the government spends its efforts teachting safe sex.
Homosexual promiscuity leads to the same problem as heterosexual promiscuity does. More people are heterosexual, so heterosexual promiscuity ought to cause more problem.
The only "special health risk" I can think of is possible damage to the sphincter, but that is a risk whether the participants are of same or opposite sex.
Over here, the school children are informed of all the risks with sexual interactions.
As most people are heterosexual, most of the time is probably devoted to the risks with heterosexual sex.
But, very little is specific to either hetero or homo sex, so that shouldn't be a problem.
If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-”gay” movement?
Please, won't someone think of the lesbians?
Let me see. First of all, because all the illnesses you mentions are almost inexistent in lesbians and they are caught by heterosexuals equally. Moreover, in some regions of the world they are the only spreaders of them. Truth?. I think it's clear.
Why won’t the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease
Because the scientific media have shown it to largely be bigoted confirmation-bias and other general bullshit.
Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should “just say no” to homosexuality?
Simple: Because that's not true. There are NO "special" health risks from being gay that aren't also risks from hetero sex. Ergo, schoolchildren should just be taught about the risks associated with any kind of sex. Which they already are.
If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-”gay” movement?
It's not linked to death and disease, and the alternatives you mention aren't healthy; they are a little thing called "repression" which is not good for your mental health in the least bit.
"Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should “just say no” to homosexuality? "
Well, OK, as long as schoolchildren are also taught there are special health risks associated with fundie ignorance based sex education and they should "just say no" to fundieness.
"If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality"
So, I'm good because I'm a lesbian who has less a of chance of contracting AIDS than you, Peter?
Because there AREN'T special health risks associated with homosexual behavior. All the risks are the same as those associated with heterosexual behavior. If you people weren't forcing gays to stay in the closet, they would be able to go to doctors about their issues and get treated, and these health risks wouldn't be a problem.
Enforced abstinence and the ex-"gay" movement (charming how you put the word gay in quotes) are not, by any stretch of the imagination, healthy alternatives. The first is unfair and unrealistic, and the second is dangerous to your mental health.
In response to the "risks of gay sex": They are exactly the same as the risks of hetero sex. Condoms are an effective safety measure no matter which gender's orifices the penis is going into. And for lesbians, there are dental dams.
In response to the ex-gay movement: There is also an EX-ex-gay movement. Read up on it.
In response to "gay sex on the down low": Maybe if you idiots would stop treating homosexuality as the Worst Sin EVER, people would be more open about it instead of hiding the fact from their partners. They might also feel less guilty abuot doing so and would thus be more responsible about using protection.
"If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it"
You do know male homosexuality isn't synonomous with promiscuous anal sex, or even anal sex or promiscuity in general, do you?
Oh wait that's right, that site is bias. My bad.
"Why aren’t all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior"
Because they're being taught that there are health risks regardless of your sexuality; straight, gay, bi, whatever.
But as long as precautions are taken, there's no reason why they shouldn't enjoy sex.
Or are you just jealous that other people are getting some, and you're not?
"Why isn’t there a concerted government effort akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns to reign in homosexual promiscuity"
Why isn't there a concerted government campaign to reign in the behaviour & thinking of right-wing Fundamentalist Christians? When you can answer that question in the only way possible, you'll know why you & your ilk aren't in jail right now.
Ever hear of something called the 1st Amendment?
I really don't think the government gives a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut about whether or not people are homosexual.
Happy, content people are quiet people.
You're complaining. We get it. We just don't care.
>Who are these peers pressuring them to have gay sex, otherwise they're ninnies?
The first time (by many years, in fact) I was ever offered sex it was by a boy (of about my own age). OTOH, there was no pressure and when I turned him down ( :( ), he instantly denied he was gay, but did suggest I was a ninny, on the basis that an arse is warm, soft, tight and moist, and no-one seemed to be offering straight sex.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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