Mannie #conspiracy

The US disgustingly trying to put its own puppet in power in a sovereign nation

Yes yet again the US thinks it knows better than the people of a foreign nation as to who should lead it

Obama lied when he said he wouldn't meet with Israeli PM Netanyahu because it was too close to the Israeli Election. That was only part of the reason.

It really is because

Apparently this president has a horse in the race. First revealed in its Hebrew edition, Ha'arez is reporting The group V15, which denies that its motto is ‘anyone but Bibi,’ is working with U.S. political strategist Jeremy Bird who worked on the Obama campaign to replace the Israeli government in March.


So it appears that Obama is trying to set up his puppet leader in Israel because he thinks he knows who should lead Israel rather than the people of Israel itself

What I will find funny is the comments that defend Obama in this, as these same people would throw a hissy if the US interfered in any other countries elections!

Then again there is a cartoon on the front page with historically antsemtic memes of "Jews control the government" (See how the cartoonist put an Israeli flag and a Bibiville sign on the capitol to suggest who owns and controls it.

Plain sickening!

Edit: I see the StormFront members of DKOS are starting to pile on the Tip Jar. Bigots still hiding in the Democratic party back from the early KKK days....why you haven't joined your republican brothers and sisters yet is beyond me.



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