White Winged Collective of Nine via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. Do not fear the Coronavirus, do not fear the many changes. Catalyst for change was needed. As fertilizer to the soil so that the young plants can thrive and survive, so this virus has been benevolently repurposed as an impetus for change, for humanity to band together, for the dark to show its ugly face to the light for healing. It is time to heal your world. Gaia is in desperate need. You were well aware of her cry for help, which is why you were brave enough to embody. We repeat this. You were brave enough to embody, therefore you are brave enough to still be embodied. Do not leave in this critical juncture of timelines, of light infusion. Now is when you are most needed. Hold the light. The heavens are watching, leading, guiding, comforting. Many such as this one has been beyond exhausted as you integrate these upgrades, these changes into your surface world. It is the true the light is intensifying with every moment, for the light reveals all. The light is seeded for the seedlings of truth that have been planted in the tilled soil to flourish. (I am seeing tilling machines, with blades deep into the soil in the clay). Some places of your world that have been inundated with the dark energies are experiencing more tilling, more soil breakup. More light, more fertilizer to these areas. Do not be afraid, for fear hardens the ‘clay’ of the lower energies and lowers your immunity. The light is your immunity. We are aware this may not be a popular post or idea, but we lovingly remind you that Source is in all things, the light is winning, has won, is simultaneously winning. The darkness that you are seeing play out are the weeds and the poisonings of the soil that has been there for eons, now is simply the time that it is being exposed. The cleansing of Gaia is to commence, is commencing. Be at peace.

We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We wish to offer you a blessing of peace so that these words offer the intended vibratory effect, calming, soothing. May we lovingly gently remind that you are to anchor the light. You are not the farmer plowing the fields. You are not working the tilling machine. You are grounding the light, shining your light on the weeds, spreading your light into the earth so that all is healed. It is a joyful task when in the right vibratory codex, and so we wish to assist with upping your vibration a bit, for a moment, so that these moments of healing become Gaia’s moments of healing. The light workers are banding together in new, interesting, integrating and exciting ways. Your internet, your inter-web of consciousness is providing such new avenues of connection. Technology is also being repurposed as the light shines deeper, more fully.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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